Oct 12, 2017

Sunday October 8th, 2017. The first night - at cactus curve. photo: Shelle Wolfe

The Atlas Fire on Soda Canyon Road

I have begun another page to document the happenings After the Fire

Click to view other Atlas fire maps
On the first night of the Atlas fire, Sunday Oct 8, 2017, much of the lower portion of Loma Vista Road and Soda Canyon Road up to the pass burned within the first few hours in the ferocious winds of that night. A fallen tree blocked the road and was barely edged out of the way to allow the passage of a caravan headed out with flames all around. The upper part of Soda Canyon Road, the plateau of the Rector watershed beyond the pass (Foss Valley), escaped fires the first night. The fire continued to spread as the winds changed direction, but slackened with decreased winds and increased humidity. By the 10th, the slow moving fire had pushed into the southern, eastern and western edges of the plateau and up into Rector Canyon. Two days of calm winds allowed a containment perimeter to be established and the houses at the perimeter defended against the slow moving fire. By the end of Oct 12th the perimeter was contained. The fire was essentially out on the Rector plateau as of Saturday Oct 14th 2017.

134 of the 163 houses on Soda Canyon and Loma Vista Roads were badly damaged or destroyed, all but one on that first night. 2 residents tragically perished. We were incredibly lucky; neighbors who had stayed behind alerted fire crews as the fire encircled the canyon around our house. It survived with only a burned deck.

Nixle alerts
You can sign up for Nixle local alerts at http:/www.nixel.com and receive alerts by text email or visiting their web page and logging in. All Sheriff's orders regarding road closures and openings are there, as well as other public safety orders.

County map of buildings destroyed or damaged in fire
Satellite Image of fire area taken 10/18/17
The most painfully visible satellite view of the fire damage is now on Google Earth.

KQED fire perimeter and hot spot map (self-updating)
NCWG map of fire allowing arial view underlay (self-updating)
Very good Napa County fire map (with road closures - Soda Canyon road is labeled Ridge Dr)(self-updating)

Photos taken along Soda Canyon Road since the start of the fire are here

Sadly the following residents perished in the fire:
Sally Lewis and her caregiver, Teresa Santos
(Sally Lewis was the granddaughter of Colonel J.P. Jackson, the entrepreneur that developed the Soda Springs Resort in the 1800's that now lies in ruins.)

The following people remained to help fight the fires (our heroes)
Chris and Catherine Frassette and dog Iris
Richard MacCabe
Glenn and Jessica Schreuder
Anthony, Nikko, Kosta Arger
Wayne Seymour
Doug Christian and Scott Sherer
Mike and Michelll Russ
Paul Kiser
Amber, Debra and Vivian Manfree

The following residents have checked in as safe:
Julie, Kosta and Anthony Arger
Susan Adams
Patricia Anderson (still in house)
Yeoryios Apallas and Family
Dorothy Basden
Derek Beal and Family
George and Elaine Baker
David & Reyna Blasko
Ram and Sri Challapalli
Fred and Ken Chopping
Laurie Congi
Carol and Rocky Cowen
Phil and Linda Dahan
Chris Dern
Juanita Doran
Richard Ehernberger
Todd Ellis
Mort and Amy Friedkin
Dave and Lauren Griffiths
Cindy Grupp
Barbara Guggia
Davin and Lynne Hallett
Bill Hocker and Mui Ho
Sylvia Klenz
Gard and Doreen Leighton
Vivien, Debra and Amber Manfree
Amber Manfree
Marlene Mansfield
Jessica, Peter Martin and kids (still in house)
Elizabeth Meier
Nora MacCabe
Dan and Beverlee McFadden
Tom and Draselle Muscatine
Eren and Faith Ozmen
Micheal & Marianne perry
Anne Polotas & Meah Muzquiz
Michael Petrovsky and Lori Lallement
Glenn Schreuder and family
Diane and Allen Shepp
Mary Jane Stevens
Nick and Maureen Vassos
Shelle Wolfe and Father
Claire and Henri Vandendriessche

Structures reported gone below pass:
Lewis house
Ehernberger house and outbuildings
White Rock Winery destroyed.
"Most homes on left side" up to bridge but Guggia house at bridge OK
Regan house on Loma Vista
Leighton house on Loma Vista
Muscatine house
McFadden house
Ed Grant house
Preston Green house
Calgarian house
Osmond guesthouse gone but main house ok
Hallett house
Dietiker-Yolo houses
Miller barn and new house gone but main house ok

Structures reported as survived below pass
Anderson house
Relic Winery probably
Grupp house but not guesthouse
White house on Loma Vista
McComas house and 2 neighbors' houses

Structures reported gone on Rector Plateau:
Adams house
Beal house


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The Atlas Fire: the documentaries

Bill Hocker - Oct 13, 2018 10:39AM  Share #1852

Update 10/13/18
NVR 10/13/18: Napan creates documentary film about human impacts of the October wildfires

A documentary about the Atlas Fire by Jeffrey Perez de Leon with Soda Canyon residents Jeff and Tracey Foley:
Trial By Fire - Napa Fire Documentary

NBC Dateline 4/1/18: Fire and Faith

The NBC Dateline Documentary on the Atlas Peak fire that aired on Sunday Night, Apr 1st, is still available at the above link.

Glenn Schreuder - Apr 2, 2018 11:08AM

I remember not liking taking off in a helicopter in such heavy crosswinds, very scary to say the least!

Anne Palotas - Apr 2, 2018 11:06AM

Seeing the paramedic without the helmet reminded me of him grabbing both by myself and Glenn by the collars, walking us toward the helicopter. Remember that Glenn?

Lauren Griffiths - Apr 2, 2018 11:00AM

Last night Dateline aired Fire & Faith - an episode featuring the Atlas Fire and the rescues.

I think it can be streamed if you jump through some hoops with a free NBC app.
The Dahans and BeauVigne winery are interviewed.

There is some incredible footage of this horrific event. The helicopter rescues were miraculous.

After the fire

John Regan - Nov 10, 2017 2:06PM  Share #1801

I suggest that we either use this page or start a new one related to rebuilding and insurance efforts. We are the family that lost the house on Loma Vista in 2011 and unfortunately are very experienced in the fire insurance claim process, so hopefully this time will be less daunting.
We can all expect that once the road access is granted, we will all be visited by:
1) Looters or spectators
2) Insurance adjusters looking for clients
3) Insurance company representives

We learned a great deal during those two years and it will be invaluable to have a site to share information, problems and recs. Happy to share what we learned and share information as we go through it again; we'll all need a forum (this page or another on Sodacanyon.org) to accomplish this. If anyone has specific questions I can be reached at 415-310-3245.

Good luck to everyone with the early stages of recovery!

John Regan
Kim Regan
Loma Vista

Soda Canyon is open for residents!

Laurie Congi - Oct 20, 2017 3:14PM  Share #1777

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 22, 2017 12:15PM

I just saw an AT&T crew on my way down the hill and asked them how long it might be till we have phone service.

Their reply: "It will be a while". They're actually pulling out all the old lines and replacing with fiber which means that we will all be able to have regular Internet without satellite or any sort of dishes on our roofs.

Estimate: 30 days.

To me, this is amazing news as Valley Internet is so dang expensive. They are good, but Service seems to go out rather regularly. With or without a fire.

The two AT&T people I saw said yes, they are putting in fiber cables for Internet. And I saw them close to the mailboxes so I'm presuming that it's going to go all the way out or at least that far.

Mary Jane Stevens - Oct 21, 2017 11:21AM

I just spoke to Napa County Recycling and Waste Service and they will be picking up garbage as usual on Monday. You can use all your cans for garbage if you put a sign on the front "GARBAGE" even if they are blue or brown cans. Be sure you put the signs on. If you have more garbage than cans you can call them at 707-256-3500 to schedule extra pick ups. They understand there is a lot of extra trash out there.

Napa County Map of damaged and destroyed buildings

Bill Hocker - Oct 20, 2017 2:52PM  Share #1779

The map is here

NVR 10/21/17: Napa County releases interactive map of destroyed and damaged buildings

This is a remarkable map showing every single building in the county and a layer showing the infrared satellite image of the burned areas (turn off the fire boundary layer when viewing the satellite layer). Some red tags may not have been plotted yet (the Adams house on SCR doesn't show a red tag, for example) .

PG&E online up to the pass

Glenn Schreuder - Oct 19, 2017 10:00PM  Share #1767

PG&E is back on at 2882 Soda Canyon tonight as of around 8:30pm!!!

Anne Palotas - Oct 19, 2017 10:06PM

Lucky You! Congrats! Do we know if the road is open?
The 3000 block is still out (14 customers). No ETC at this point in time.

Marlene Mansfield - Oct 19, 2017 6:02PM  Share #1760

I am commenting on behalf of Marlene Mansfield, 3361 Soda Canyon Road. Marlene is safe and staying with her brother/sister-in-law (me) in Pleasant Hill CA. We have had contact with George and Elaine Baker; they are safe as well.
We are trying to stay closely connected to this site, as we just discovered it a day or two ago and have gotten so much information from the updates. Marlene and the Bakers had helicopters land to take them out on Monday, but they opted to drive out. Marlene said she could not believe the devastation; she was really not aware of how bad things were. George Baker was allowed to go up SCR several days ago and was able to tell Marlene that both their homes were still standing.
We will be anxiously awaiting updates on possible access Friday/Saturday; Marlene, like every other resident, is very anxious to see her house.
If this access were allowed, is it known if refrigerators or freezers could be emptied?

Anne Palotas - Oct 19, 2017 11:09AM  Share #1754

Update AP phone call. Just heard from AP.

TENTATIVELY the plan is to re-populate SCR on late Friday, or Saturday AM.
As the situation is a moving target, this might change. If it does change and is delayed further, contingency plans are being made to allow temporary access to residents sometime on Friday or Saturday.

There should be a further update later today/tonight.

Cynthia Sterling - Oct 20, 2017 12:43PM

Thank you all for working on this issue. We are hoping to get up to our Loma Vista property saturday morning with one of our insurance adjusters. I look forward to an update. If we can assist with communications with the county, please let me know via email.

Cynthia Sterling - Oct 20, 2017 7:49AM

Thank you all for working on this issue. We are hoping to get up to our Loma Vista property saturday morning with one of our insurance adjusters. I look forward to an update. If we can assist with communications with the county, please let me know via email.

Cynthia Sterling - Oct 19, 2017 5:10PM

Thank you all for working on this issue. We are hoping to get up to our Loma Vista property saturday morning with one of our insurance adjusters. I look forward to an update. If we can assist with communications with the county, please let me know via email.

Glenn Schreuder - Oct 19, 2017 3:48PM

Thanks Anne, good work!

Soda Canyon is all rock. Wherever you put your shovel, a rock is waiting for you. Talking with a PG&E contractor yesterday at our place yesterday. There are locations accessible only by hiking (packing in your digging equipment) where they are hand-digging a new hole next to a damaged pole. I have no idea how they get the new pole upright without a crane truck, so it's got to be a helicopter.

I guess my point is besides all the obvious visible stuff you can see from the roadway, PG&E has some real challenges on theirs hands. As residents gain partial access to their properties, let's keep this conversation going.

I have an expert small engine guy coming to my place once access restrictions are lifted. Maybe there are others who might need his kind of help with something on their place? It's continues to be about teamwork, maybe a good thread for NextDoor Soda Canyon?
Hang in there everyone! All our best,

Michael & Marieann Perri - Oct 19, 2017 11:43AM

Will there be restrictions ? Can we have repair persons up to fix things?

Barbara Guggia - Oct 19, 2017 11:40AM

We also got a phone call from AP with this encouraging news. I’m pleased with his follow through on this issue.

Animal Issues

Dan McFadden - Oct 19, 2017 3:47AM  Share #1750

Just for the record, I emailed Supervisor Pedrosa on Monday asking for his help in getting humane aid to animals still up in Soda Canyon. No response, yet. However, animal control patched me through to a deputy in San Mateo (!) who was able to get a permit and free a deputy to take Edgar Cruz up to give our animals food and water. I recommend working with the animal control dispatcher; she is a nice person and responds to indignation.

Community letter to Sup Pedroza

Barbara Guggia - Oct 19, 2017 12:41AM  Share #1748

We just sent an email to AP that might provide some additional motivation for him to work on access for vineyards and property owners. We tried to touch upon all concerns mentioned earlier. Here is a copy.

Mr. Pedroza-

Napa County has experienced an overwhelming ordeal in the last ten days and my wife and I appreciate the sincere efforts of our first responders and public employees who have worked tirelessly to meet the challenges of this horrible situation. Thank you.

As property owners on Soda Canyon Road, we have been devastated by the fire and the loss of life and property in our community. Although I understand it is a time consuming process to make our neighborhood safe again , the lack of accurate information regarding when property owners can return to their homes, has greatly increased the anxiety level and heartbreak many of us are experiencing. Since you are the supervisor for our district, I am asking you to help problem-solve property access issues.

I recently learned that PG&E, while they have been completing an enormous amount of work, may not be at a point where Soda Canyon Road can be opened to property owners for another 5 to 7 days. The damage is much worse than their initial assessment.

Many property owners on Soda Canyon Road are not directly in the agriculture business and therefore cannot apply for the Ag passes available from the Napa Agricultural Commission. This leaves the majority of the property owners in a situation where we cannot assess the damage to our property, cannot complete insurance claims, cannot make repairs that would limit continuing damage and cannot retrieve and/or secure family heirlooms and other valuables.

My neighbors who have vineyards who have not harvested their grapes are also frustrated with the lack of access and will suffer significant losses if they are not allowed to pick soon.

As the supervisor representing our community, I am calling upon your leadership skills to facilitate a positive outcome to this situation. Yes, we all want power restored to SCR, we don’t want to impede PG&E with their work but the grapes also need to be picked. Property owners also need to have access to their properties. I am confident that a schedule could be worked out where property owners and vineyard owners’ needs are met. To avoid potential traffic congestion, the property owners could be required to remain on their property until a specified time. This would allow vineyard trucks to only have to negotiate with PG&E.

A few other issues that would need to be addressed include the fact many property owners have evacuated to locations outside of the county and at least a 24 hour notice would be needed to insure everyone has access. It could be a total mess, if the law enforcement agency in charge of the SCR closure had to verify every driver’s license or tax bill before allowing access, therefore, if property owners could verify residence and obtain passes prior to the road opening, it would alleviate a major traffic jam. It would also allow those residents who might have lost all paperwork in the fire, to verify residency with the county’s assistance prior to road opening.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated,

Steve Chilton

Ag Commissioner notice update

Bill Hocker - Oct 18, 2017 11:28PM  Share #1747

Garrett Buckland sends this Update from the Napa County Ag Commissioner:


A Message From the Napa County Ag Commissioner

Napa County Agriculture Industry,

All information provided below is subject to change with high frequency and may not be the most up to date information. We are doing our very best to provide updated information in as timely a manner as possible. To verify any information, please contact our office directly at (707) 253-4357 or email us at agcomfire@countyofnapa.org.

As of Wednesday 10/18/2017 at 10:00am our office is issuing permits for ag-business related access to the following areas:

Dry Creek Road from Orchard Avenue to Trinity Road
Redwood Road from the junction with Mt. Veeder Road
Mt. Veeder Road

Wild Horse Valley Road from Green Valley Road. Green Valley Road is open to residents as of 5:00pm Tuesday October 17, 2017.

Atlas Peak Road from Westgate Drive will have unrestricted ag-business permitted access during the hours of 7:00pm to 5:00am starting tonight Wednesday October 18, 2017. During this time, all ag-business related activities will be allowed with a permit from our office.

Soda Canyon Road from Silverado Trail will have unrestricted ag-business permitted access during the hours of 7:00pm to 5:00am starting tonight Wednesday October 18, 2017. During this time, all ag-business related activities will be allowed with a permit from our office.

Petrified Forest Road from Saint Helena Hwy 128 to the Napa/Sonoma County Line
Hwy 128 from Bennett Lane to the Napa/Sonoma County Line

Between the hours of 5:00am and 7:00pm crews are going to be working on large infrastructure projects to restore these regions’ access as soon as possible. Due to the nature of this work, heavy restrictions are being placed on ag-business related access.

Our office is allowed to issue a limited number of ag-business related permits for the next four days: Thursday October 19, Friday October 20, Saturday October 21 and Sunday October 22, 2017.

Please consider performing any access during the less restricted periods of 7:00pm and 5:00am listed above. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity freeing the restricted day access appointments for critical work only. We have more entities than appointments so please be considerate of your neighbors should you be able to complete your tasks during night access.

Restrictions for “daytime” permits to Soda Canyon and Atlas Peak include:

  • We have space for five entities per region each day listed above (October 19-October22).
  • Each entity is allowed one passenger vehicle. No large vehicles or equipment will be allowed up or down these regions during restricted access.
  • Each vehicle is limited to two persons only.
  • Permitted entities will be escorted up between 10:00am and 11:00am and escorted back down between 4:00pm and 5:00pm. You will be able to leave the hill during the 10:00am to 11:00am hour should you be able to complete your tasks during that very short time period. Otherwise all personnel are to stay on their site until escorted back down during the 4:00pm and 5:00pm access window.
  • All persons are required to stay on site and not allowed back out on the roads unescorted. No movement along the roads during restricted time periods will be allowed unescorted.
  • We are taking requests for these restricted access appointments. No appointment can be guaranteed as such a limited number are available.

Safety is the number one priority while these special access permits are being used. Please remember to take all necessary precautions to provide safe work environments for employees. All permitted areas are under ongoing repair work by numerous entities - please be aware of the safety concerns of these crews and yield to any authority in the region.

Please contact our office (707) 253-4357 or agcomfire@countyofnapa.org to obtain a permit or if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we are processing a large number of requests at this time.

To reiterate, this process is solely designed to aid businesses in gaining access to properties for legitimate business purposes.

Napa County Department of Agriculture
1710 Soscol Avenue, Suite 3, Napa, CA 94559
Ph: (707) 253-4357
Fax: (707) 253-4881

Bill Hocker - Oct 18, 2017 6:27PM  Share #1749

Steven Rivera's Nextdoor Soda Canyon message to Alfredo Pedroza:

Alfredo, for years we’ve been trying to secure State and Federal funds to repave Soda Canyon Road. Maybe this tragic event and the carnage it’s created will create the opportunity for that to actually happen now. After the wear and tear from the extensive rebuilding efforts the road will need repaving more than ever. Is this the time to request those funds?

PG&E update

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 18, 2017 11:34AM  Share #1743

Hi All,

Cindy just heard from her new best friend at PG&E - please have a seat before reading on, so you don't fall over.

PG&E has only energized ? mile of SCR! They keep finding new problems that need work along the way. The damage was MUCH worse than they originally believed. They have helicopters flying in telephone poles, and as many crews up there as they can get.

Also, they are still doing forensic work up there looking for remains ?

New estimate is 5 - 7-ish days before we can go home. I'm stunned.

Cindy also said again that there ARE ag passes available, but you have to show your ag business credentials to get one. NO grapes are being picked at this time according to PG&E, but Elisabeth said Glenn Salva said they sent up a truck with four pickers. But No passes for picking. Very confusing. Worth checking on the county site if you feel that you have a legitimate way to get up there.

The incredible losses still being suffered!

Truly, one day at a time.

Glenn Schreuder - Oct 18, 2017 12:32PM

Hmm, well having seen what I saw this does not surprise me in the least. The destruction was a good 5-6 mile run of destruction. Patience is on the order.

I think we will need to see if they will start allowing those of us who can operate on generators to return in the evenings to keep things running along. Just wish they would come up with a good plan for those of us who are able to still sustain things.

I am happy to go talk to whomever if I knew who the right person was. I've talked with the Ag Commissioner's office in person yesterday and by phone this morning.

Maybe they should just send us all on a tropical vacation until it's done. I'm down.

Will continue to share anything I learn.

Judy Schreuder

Anne Palotas - Oct 18, 2017 12:18PM

This is as I anticipated. I believe the challenges may be even greater than what they are actually anticipating now. This could take weeks. Consider that PG&E may re-engineer the installation of the lines to preclude issues in the future. This might have right of way ramifications on our properties.

In the short term we will need to get access to our properties even for a 3-4 hours period - for now, just to address all the issues we have.

We need to coordinate an effort to get this to happen. I am open for suggestions as how to proceed. Should we contact Alfredo en masse in a suitably coordinated effort? We could use the participants in this email thread for starters.

Currently nothing has been updated on the PG&E site since the 16th. I have signed up for updates and have yet to hear anything new.

Bill Hocker - Oct 18, 2017 10:17AM  Share #1742

Soda Canyon resident Lauri Congi has sent me an email requesting information on Preston Green who lived next to her at 1218 Soda Canyon Rd. She has not heard from him since the fire.

Has the sheriff begun assembling a list of people whose whereabouts are as yet unknown?

Laurie Congi - Oct 19, 2017 8:30AM

Great news! I contacted the sheriff department yesterday. They were able to confirm that Preston was safe and staying with a friend.

Glenn Schreuder - Oct 18, 2017 7:15AM  Share #1739

My understanding of the current access constrictions for Soda Canyon Road as of last night:

CalTrans has primary jurisdiction over SCR (unconfirmed, need to confirm this).

The stated reason for the full lockdown of SCR is to allow PG&E crews complete, safe and uninterrupted access to both lanes of SCR to expedite reconstruction of the electrical system. This makes sense when considered in isolation.

While I totally agree with the above in principle, my direct observation last night that PG&E appears to be working on SCR during daylight hours.

This also seems to make alot of sense for safety reasons. It is probably much safer to work during daylight hours when setting poles, installing transformers, stringing high voltage lines, etc.

So from what I observed last night, at approximately 8:30pm, from the end of SCR to the store (I did not drive up Loma Vista or down the dirt road) any remaining PG&E trucks on SCR were parked safely on the side of the road for the night and no one was on the road except for me and the occasional, now rare, fire engine.

So if my hypothesis is correct, that PG&E is actually working on the roadway only during daylight hours, then why, for example, can't Antica be permitted to harvest their grapes or work on their recently harvested wines at night?

Alternatively, if PG&E is actually working from say 8am to say 7pm each day then why can't I drive into work at 7am and then return home after sundown?

If PG&E is actually working during daylight hours, why can't "credentialed" persons (i.e. an ID with an SCR address or a valid agricultural permit) be permitted to access their property with the understanding and agreement that there will be absolutely no access up and down SCR while PG&E is working to restore power?

I strongly suspect this situation may simply be the result of a lack of coordination between agencies.

Can someone please take this matter up the flagpole today?

If the response is that PG&E is working on SCR 24/7 right now, then perhaps they can tell me where exactly the PG&E crews were on Soda Canyon Road at 8:30pm PDT last night.

If the response is that it's not safe because an ambulance can't access SCR during daylight hours, there are still firefighters up here and an injured person could be airlifted out if push came to shove.

There were no active PG&E job sites on the paved portion of SCR from the gates of Antica (call it the 3700 block) to the Silverado trail last night at 8:30pm PDT.

Please help me out here, thanks, Glenn

I was told this morning that the 5 cars things below is not accurate.

Let's focus today on coordinating reasonable, limited access for credentialed residents with homes that are intact and parties with legitimate, verifiable commercial interests i.e. a valid agricultural access permit.

No disrespect intended to those who may have lost thier homes or other property, I was l there myself in 1981, my heart go out to you. Glenn

Elisabeth Meier - Oct 18, 2017 12:02PM


I was told last night that PG&E works 24 hours on the road. When I was at bottom last night, lots of trucks leaving and others going up. Someone commented its shift change.

Since people with AG permit are allowed up/down at certain hours, which I completely support, why are residents not allowed up that pledge to stay put until evac lifted.

I would not mind this if it were just me - I could easily go to a hotel and relax. But instead I am staying in my truck with my shepherds that are traumatized from emergency shelter and kennel time. There is no way I can kennel them again, or leave them alone in truck, would just increase their anxiety even more.

Every officer and NatGuard guy I speak with have been more than understanding of the situation and feel horrible that there is nothing they can do, they have their orders.

Wish there was an option.

Anne Palotas - Oct 18, 2017 8:06AM

Good to hear from you Glenn!

From what you are saying, your reasoning seems fairly sound. The only thing that I see is that PG & E crews could get into a situation during the process where nightfall comes and they will have to leave equipment and/or material in situ, and that could be in the middle of the road. I could see this being an issue on a number of locations along SCR.

As inconvenient this process may be I see, a couple of benefits; no impediment to repairs and less traffic on the road which could include potential looters. The looting issue has me very concerned and hopefully security is something that is still being addressed.

I want to get back up to the home in a big bad way, like all of us. In the very least, if we can get a window for all the residents to have access for a short bit it would be something greatly appreciated.

Good Luck To Us All!

Cindy Grupp - Oct 17, 2017 8:29PM  Share #1732

The update from the Ag Department as of a few minutes ago:
Starting tomorrow they are letting 5 cars max, with Ag permit issued on a first come bases, up the road. You can only go up in a passenger car (no big trucks) and you go up between 10 & 11am and can't come down again until between 4 & 5 pm.
This is for the next 5 days. Unless that changes. So it's really on a day to day based.

Anne Palotas - Oct 17, 2017 8:49PM

Where did you get this information?

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 17, 2017 7:28AM  Share #1731

Heard from Jim Wilson this morning - He is here at the Meritage where I am - I didn't even know he was here.

He said his house was spared, but barely. One more survivor!

Amy Whiteford - Oct 17, 2017 3:05PM

I did hear from her vineyard management company that she (Carolyn) is safe and at her house in Chico.

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 17, 2017 2:18PM

Jim Wilson asking about Carol Cordes from Loma Vista. Anyone know of her whereabouts? Or if she has checked in?

Anne Palotas - Oct 17, 2017 7:28AM  Share #1730

Found this information on the PG & E site. This is the outage map for our area. If you click the amber area it will give you outage information. It also gives you the option to add contact information for notification of service restoration. Right now it is showing a estimated electrical power restoration date of 18 October 11:59 PM Here is the web link and some screen shots showing details:


Shelle Wolfe - Oct 16, 2017 8:32PM  Share #1729

Anyone else see the mail delivery on SCR today? Wayne said they were up at our house this afternoon. How ridiculous. I’d love to go up to get it. Maybe I won a sweepstakes.

SCR videos

Anthony Arger - Oct 16, 2017 5:53PM  Share #1727

Below are links to videos of SCR in 2015 (Pre-Fire) versus on October 10, 2017 and October 15, 2017 (Post-Fire). They are hard to watch knowing what once was and what was lost, but in the interest of providing information, I have uploaded them for viewing. Again, I am so sorry to everyone who lost homes/structures.

SCR Heading Up Pre-Fire:

SCR Heading Up Post-Fire:
Part 1: https://youtu.be/EgdCkHOILfI
Part 2: https://youtu.be/jj-6qXvkHCo

SCR Heading Down Pre-Fire:

SCR Heading Down Post-Fire:
Part 1: https://youtu.be/IqkRgmx3jQQ
Part 2: https://youtu.be/Z0ClgNUGWpQ

Upper SCR Helicopter Videos:

Ag Commissioner notice

Bill Hocker - Oct 16, 2017 4:12PM  Share #1725

Garrett Buckland sends this notice from the Napa County Ag Commissioner:
Soda Canyon residents may find this information helpful:
Nixle Sheriff alert here
Napa County Agriculture Industry

Soda Canyon Road is scheduled for hard closure at Tuesday at 8:00 am. The closure may be for multiple days. Everyone must be off of Soda Canyon Road at 8:00 am. Anyone remaining will not be able to leave for any purpose. There will be no leniency on this timeline.

Spring Mountain Road is now open without restrictions in Napa County. There is a hard road closure at the Napa / Sonoma County line. There is no access into Sonoma County from Napa County at this time. No permit required for access to Spring Mountain Road in Napa County.

The Ag Commissioner’s Office will continue providing permits and escorts for ag-business related entry to Soda Canyon Road. Contact the Napa County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office at agcomfire@countyofnapa.org, by phone at 707-253-4357 or by fax at 707-253-4881 for a permit. Please provide the following information:

• Name of company
• Contact name with phone number and e-mail
• Type of activity requested
• Specific location of property
• Date and time access needed
• Duration of time access needed
• Approximate number of employees involved

The permit will also be a release of liability, acknowledgement of inherent risk, and notify the permittee that any activity other than that listed is prohibited. Stopping or visiting any other location will be considered trespass into restricted areas, etc.

Businesses should continue to comply with all CalOSHA safety requirements for workers including access to shade, drinking water, decontamination facilities as well as considerations for respiratory protection to mitigate effects from smoke.

To reiterate, this process is solely designed to aid businesses in gaining access to properties for legitimate business purposes.

Be advised that according to CalFire officials, grapes that have been contacted by flame retardant are not safe for humans and should not be harvested.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Hard closure tomorrow

Cindy Grupp - Oct 16, 2017 1:04PM  Share #1717

I just heard from the Ag Commissioner office who confirmed that starting tomorrow morning at 8am there will be a "hard closure" of Soda Canyon Rd. No one will be allowed up and anyone already up there will not be allowed down. They didn't know how long the closure will be in effect.

Cindy Grupp - Oct 16, 2017 1:57PM

PG&E will be bringing in heavy equipment. As it is their trucks are taking up a good amount of the road and I think it slows they down when cars or trucks are trying to maneuver around them. They have to bring in a whole lot of poles.

Anne Palotas - Oct 16, 2017 1:56PM

Just what I thought about the hard road closure. Hard to do your job dodging cars all day, and we know how they drive on the road.
Good to hear about the security. It has me concerned as well.
Wishing us all the best!

Mary Jane Stevens - Oct 16, 2017 1:55PM

I spoke to the Sherrifs Dept this morning about security for our homes and when we'd be allowed back in. They told me for utilities to do their work they need the road clear after today. No time frame. They have had CHP , Sheriff's and other law enforcement patrolling constantly. Parking with lights off in driveways at night. Trying to secure all the houses that remain standing in Foss Valley.

Anne Palotas - Oct 16, 2017 1:37PM

Why the hard road closure? Did they give a reason? Are they still going to vineyard workers/owners up? This seems very strange.

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 16, 2017 10:06AM  Share #1715

Good morning to you from the corner of Soda Canyon And silverado trail.

I came up to the corner hoping for some good news for today… But the National Guard told me that PG&E is out in force up there and have the roads blocked completely

Unless of course you happen to own a vineyard up there and then you get a pass and Go up

Wayne told me yesterday that there is a lot of picking going on up in the stagecoach area and probably everywhere else who can get a crew up there to pick.

He said the roads were still be very busy yesterday with firetrucks police cars and grape hauling trucks. He said it’s busier up there than a normal day.

The National Guard said that we are likely to be kept out for another 3 to 4 days. I can’t believe there’s that much cleanup up! But if PG&E get things working right and they need that amount of time I guess we just have to wait and be patient even longer.

I talked to Draselle this morning… She’s in pretty good spirits. She left her house with next to nothing Sunday night so she doesn’t have a Computer to read our emails. She is staying in an apt in SF near her daughter.

Unbelievably… Our drama continues. I’m just relieved that Anthony and his brother and Glenn and Chris and Wayne and the others that are all up there, have taken such good care of our little Valley at the top of the road and that they are all OK.

This whole situation is so devastating and heartbreaking… I can’t even imagine to be in the shoes of the people who lost their homes.

If anyone hears any updates please let us all know or write to me and I will let the group know.

Anthony Arger - Oct 16, 2017 12:04AM  Share #1714

Good Evening,

Although I had plans to come off the hill around 1pm, I got sidetracked to say the least did not get down until after 7pm. I was actually walking towards our house from the vineyards around 12:15pm to shower up and start heading down the hill when the new BC, Greg Andre (who is from Boise and as it turns out knows a friend of mine from middle school in Reno who fights wildfires - small world) showed up and asked for Smokey and the Bandit to take him on a tour of the Valley to get a lay of the land. We of course obliged and spent the next 2 hours or so driving him around to every single property/house on the dirt road, starting with Bill's place. At that time, everything was looking very good - all still black, clean, and cold, with the exception of a little smoker that flared up deep in the Canyon out towards Stagecoach and which was nowhere near any structures. Crews were immediately on it and continued monitoring it all day.

When we were finishing up with the Chopping/Shepp/Manfree/Perri section of the tour, I got a call on the walkie talkie that a certain Bert and Ernie showed up at our house to check in on us. I let the Bandit finish up the tour with Greg and went back to visit with Bert and Ernie. Apparently they were off today, got bored in Napa, and decided to come and pay us a visit to make sure we were doing ok. Man, I simply cannot say enough about those guys - we owe them a HUGE thank you, along with so many others. We definitely need to put our thinking caps on and figure out how to thank them. I bet we can start with some of that purple grape juice stuff...

After Bert and Ernie left, some additional tasks came up around the house that needed tending to, which delayed my departure until about 4pm. At that time, the Valley was very clear with no visible smoke anywhere that I could see. The winds were also extremely calm.

Amber needed a ride down the hill, so we headed out and started rolling the camera with both video and pictures. We made it as far as Evil Knievel's before we ran into the dirt bike daredevil himself on the road, whereupon we pulled over and visited for a good 30-45 minutes. After we got back on the move and started down the hill, we soon had to pull over to let 8 more engines by that were making their way up for the night shift. Knowing that I am leaving and will not be returning to SCR until next weekend at the earliest, this sight certainly gave me a lot of comfort. Similarly, in my conversations with Greg, he explained that trucks and crews will continue to monitor the area for at least several more days to ensure that any smokers are put out. There is still a good amount of vegetation in the Canyon and on top that is "prime for a re-burn" (in Greg's words), which is why they want to make sure they are closely monitoring everything. Thank goodness for that!

As Amber and I continued making our way down the hill, we were reminded of how devastating the losses from this fire are and I want to reiterate my sincerest sympathies and condolences to all of those who lost their homes. I am so, so, so sorry, but am simultaneously so, so, so glad you are still here to receive my condolences. If there is one thing I learned this week through this process and certainly from the fireman, it is that there are only a few things that really matter in all of this, with our lives and our loved ones at the very top of the list. We can and will rebuild and we should be thankful we all made it out with our lives.

I will upload the videos in the next few days once the craziness of being out of the office for a week slows down. In the meantime, I am going to focus on what really matters....(see attached).

It was an incredible honor to work with Evil Knievel, the Bandit, Doug Christian, Amber Manfree, Richie MacCabe, Paul Keyzers (sp??), the Mayor of Soda Canyon, and countless other brave and generous souls. I am humbled by the strength and determination of our wonderful community and I look forward to getting together with all of you soon.

Sincerest regards,
Smokey (and Dean :)

Amber Manfree - Oct 15, 2017 11:04PM  Share #1713

I caught up with Fred Chopping a couple hours ago and he says Ken is in Novato with family.

Ken went through his car several times looking for the bag of meds (they were forgotten by his door) and eventually went to a pharmacy to get replacements.

Fred says there are a couple mouser cats living in the barn that may need water.

Nixle alerts

Bill Hocker - Oct 15, 2017 6:14PM  Share #1711

PS: Nixle alerts
People have asked if residents are able to go to their homes yet. I will add a notification here about Soda Canyon Road as soon as I know. Unfortunately, I am 10 time zones away and may be out or sleeping when it comes. You can sign up for Nixle local alerts at http:/www.nixel.com and receive alerts by text email or visiting their web page and logging in.

Carol & Rocky Couven Cowen - Oct 15, 2017 4:26PM  Share #1710

I want to thank Wayne and Chris F for taking care of my property and cat.

I am hoping that we can all get together(neighbors) and discuss options for better evacuation. Like Tsunami warning system up our road seriously. My husband and I were not warned and drove down at 6am Monday morning through flames downed power lines and over downed trees to get out. We barely made it. Everything was on fire. I was sure that it was end of everything. Had a good scream.

Thank you to everyone and stay strong.

Anthony Arger - Oct 15, 2017 4:11PM  Share #1709

Will send a more detailed update later this evening, as I am trying to get off the hill to see my beautiful wife and 3 month old, but in short, everything is looking really good. No visible smoke in the Valley as of this email. And lots of fire cleanup crews are patrolling the area.

Take care and I will be in touch later.

Bill Hocker - Oct 15, 2017 12:27PM  Share #1707

Glyn Rixon has written:
"We are Jim's [Wilson] neighbors down towards the Corners on 121.
Just wanted to say thank you for passing on the attached map. It was the first reliable evidence that our property was at that point untouched and a relief to the wondering.

Is there an updated one? Still aware it could go either way with the elevated winds since then."

There is contact information for the person that made the image ovelayed in the upper right corner. His twitter address is https://twitter.com/robinkraft . His email is rkraft4@gmail.com. He seems to have made only the Oct 12 image, and that may be the only data available to him.

Anthony Arger - Oct 14, 2017 11:37PM  Share #1705

Good evening everyone,

I am pleased to report that upper SCR is in even better shape now than it was this morning. In fact, I just spoke with the leader of the Reno Crew (grayback/hand crew), Mike, and he said they are "putting the nail in the coffin" on this part of the Atlas Fire.

Around 2pm, the damage assessment team came by our house (they are literally going house by house, structure by structure to assess any and all damage to every property affected by this entire fire) and I was absolutely flabbergasted to learn that not a single structure was lost on any property accessed by the dirt road. We were the very last house assessed on the dirt road and according to this two person team, the only damage, if you can even call it that, was the two partially charred deck boards at Bill's Place. I truly cannot understand how that is possible with how hard this fire was raging all week long. The crews were absolutely phenomenal, as was Doug Christian, who almost single handedly saved the Shepp's house on Tuesday night. I am filled with grief and sorrow for all those who have lost their homes and even lives to this devastating fire, but am simultaneously overcome with joy for all of those whose homes were saved under such difficult conditions - a bright beacon of hope in a time of dark despair.

At 4pm, the Bandit and I returned the Perri's 4x4 that had broken down when we were trying to save what we could from around their house on Wednesday, and took a moment to snap the attached pic from the Shepp's house. An absolutely beautiful Foss Valley day during a difficult week; it was surreal to be bouncing around up here in an otherwise perfect day with helicopters, air tankers, and fire crews in every direction. From the Shepp's we went to the Dern's because there was a small smoke column and found a few very small flames coming up from the canyon. We alerted the BC Garrett (who it turns out is the new Napa Fire Marshall - very very nice young man, who demonstrated incredible heroics on Sunday night (he was one of the first responders up here), and who I think is quickly beginning to understand the dangers of SCR...), who sent crews to the Dern's to extinguish the flare up.

The Bandit, Dennis the Menace, Xena, and Evil Knievel started working on the Gyro feed for the troops, while I made a quick trip to Bill's Place to make sure there was no smoldering piles around. Just as I was driving in, a helicopter was making a wide turn to drop the last load of water for the day in between Bill's and the Dern's. I hurried to try and snap what would have been an incredible picture as the sun was setting, but missed it by about six seconds. Perhaps it was a sign that this fire wants to finally leave us in peace? Whatever the case, I sincerely hope that was the last water helicopter dropping water in the canyon for a long, long, long, LONG time.

Back at Evil Knievel's, the Team had quite the assembly line going for Gyros. We churned out about 60, wrapped them in tin foil and then handed them out on the road as the Hotshot Crew, Engines, and Tankers made their way down the mountain. Unbeknownst to us, the Reno Crew is spending the night out on Soda Canyon Ranch, and about 30 minutes after the last truck rolled down the hill, the Reno Crew team leader came looking for us to see if there were anymore Gyros (apparently word of warm food travels fast amongst these guys...). Fortunately, we still had plenty to go around for both them and the engine team that is also spending the night up here.

After a bit of a celebratory feast with our team (plus Doug!), we are all going to sleep very well tonight. You should too.

Signing off,

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 15, 2017 4:11PM

Thank you SO much Anthony and Team Foss Valley!

I’ve been holding my breath all week and didn’t realize it until this morning... when a huge sigh of relief came flying out.

I do truly hope that we of Soda Canyon... all of us, can get together for support and story telling.

Realizing that many are now scattered here and there, but our collective community has relied on each other through this... it would be great to put faces with names

And I know we’d all like to show our appreciation and thank you and the Musketeers...

Peter N. Zachary - Oct 14, 2017 6:52PM  Share #1703

Can you confirm that John Stambaugh's house at 3100 Soda and also 3062 Soda are still intact and standing as of 6:45p, Saturday? If you can't confirm can anyone else you are in contact confirm. Chris' cell phone is dead.

Rain coming Thursday.

Peter N. Zachary - Oct 15, 2017 3:41AM

No worries... I got some info from my neighbor... It is under the control now...
No any action is required now... Thank you very much for staying in touch...
Please, no need to pass to Shelle the question... I have an answer for now...
Warm Regard.

Bill Hocker - Oct 14, 2017 11:08PM

I don't know. The infrared satellite photo taken on the 12th shows burning in that area but the only houses that can be seen are unburned. Burned houses show up as light grey textures, like the Adams house a few properties north. I am certain that no houses have burned on the plateau since the 12th. I will forward your email to Shelle who is in contact with someone up there.

Bill Hocker - Oct 14, 2017 3:24PM  Share #1702

The Napa County Sheriff's office has just confirmend the deaths of Soda Canyon resident Sally Lewis, 90, and her caretaker Teresa Santos, 50, on the first night of this terrible fire.

NVR 10/14/17: Two more fatalities confirmed in Napa fires; total now at six in county

Anthony Arger - Oct 14, 2017 12:04PM  Share #1701

Good, and I mean GOOD Morning Everyone,

It is with the greatest sense of relief that I write to tell you that we are almost ALMOST in the CLEAR up here!! I woke up at about 5am to wind and at that time the fire was making a pretty good run up Rector Canyon way down by Stagecoach, which in my mind was a good thing because it is just taking fuel out of the Canyon. No structures were or are threatened. I went out to the Derns at 630 and the crew wasnt even out of their truck because it was so calm and quiet out there.

We added a new crew member to Team Protect Rural this morning - Jessica Schreuder (call sign/designator "Xena Princess Warrior"). Xena, the Bandit, Dennis the Menace, and I started at Bill's Place and drowned out two stumps that were smoldering. We didnt need to do it, but out of an abundance of caution and for peace of mind, we just took care of them.

After that, we ran into the new on site Battalion Chief, Garrett, and he explained that they are putting a LOT of resources up here today to GET. THIS. FIRE. OUT. The only remaining fire in the whole area is out by Stagecoach in the canyon below 3201. They have at least 10 engines (with another 4 at Antica awaiting assignment), bulldozers, multiple hand crews, and 6 helicopters. THIS IS GREAT NEWS!!!!! They are cutting and bulldozing lines to try and achieve full containment around what is left. I am VERY optimistic that they will achieve that very soon, perhaps even by the end of today or tomorrow (that is their goal per Garrett anyway).

After talking to Garrett, Xena and I went on a big tour of Foss Valley - all the way up behind the Shepps, Manfrees, and Perris and everything is "black" and "cold," which is FANTASTIC. We then met up with Doug Christian, who took us to check the lines out by the Choppings pond and again, everything looked great - black and cold. (Note: the fire did not appear to get very close to the pond, perhaps 200 yds away).

We then went up to Antica and watched the helicopters make numerous pulls from the big reservoir - what a glorious sight! I took the attached picture and think it is time for Glenn Salva to add "Helicoptering" to the sign ;) (Note: you can see how clear and beautiful it is up here this morning in the pictures; first time we've been able to see Haystack all week! In fact, aside from the helicopters, fire crews, water tankers, showering and eating at Evil Knievel's, bunking out with the Bandit in my parents' room, walking around with a smoke mask on, feeding the fireman and neighbors, not recognizing my unshaven face in the mirror, and my pants and clothes that are covered in black charcoal, it almost feels normal up here!)

We then talked to an Arizona strike team at Antica who asked about the adverse impacts on the wine, and per Glenn Salva's astute comment from the other day, we simply explained this would be a "smokey vintage." After they chuckled, they responded that a smokey vintage is better than the skunky smells that permeated the air when they were fighting fires up in Mendocino...They said their lunches would be all gone by 10am and they were still hungry, weird...

On our way back to Evil Knievel's, we saw tree trimming crews working just after the Atlas Peak sign, which is another good sign because they are working to get the road clear. It is my understanding that they are not letting anyone up SCR, including residents, until they get this fire out, but again I am optimistic that this will be sooner than later (hopefully in the next 2-3 days??).

Alright, that is enough for now. As you can tell, I am feeling very chipper this morning and with good reason. We are still not completely out of the woods, as smoldering piles could always flare up, but everyone up here is working to get everything out.

Plan for this evening is to make a boatload of Gyros for the crews this evening and keep these boys well fed!

Over and out,

Nicholas Arger - Oct 14, 2017 10:18AM  Share #1700

Hi everyone.
Anthony is going to send a full update email later but i just wanted to share that everything was ok in Foss valley overnight despite the winds. Everything from the mailboxes house to Antica is intact and "cold"" as far as active fires. There is activity only in Rector canyon at this point and the choppers are hitting it hard with water. I just checked on the Perri's side of the valley and it is all intact and nothing active. It's actually crystal clear as far as a smoke up here right now. We are keeping an eye on things. Plenty of fire crews up here now.
Nikko, aka the Bandit

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 14, 2017 7:49AM  Share #1699

New fire threat approaching up the canyon this morning. Flames visible from Chris’s house above mine At the fork.

This fire is relentless

Diane Shepp - Oct 14, 2017 7:31AM  Share #1698

I saw pictures of things burning at Tuck Beckstoffer’s on Instagram. Did his house survive?

Bill Hocker ask:
Are the photos of his place on Soda Canyon Road?

Diana MacCabe - Oct 14, 2017 5:29AM  Share #1696

Good morning. 5:28 am currently Rich MacCabe has sent me two photos showing increases in active fire activity RIGHT NOW. NO engines there. Please head to the Tunnel ASAP!

Anthony Arger - Oct 13, 2017 11:05PM  Share #1695

The bandit and I just got back from delivering burgers to the Mayor of Soda Canyon and Doug Christian, and Foss Valley is VERY calm and quiet. Not a breath of wind and NO flames anywhere in the entire valley that we could see, which is the first time that has been the case this week. Lets hope it stays that way.

Before dinner, my Dad (call sign/designator "Dennis the Menace" - he was able to get through with a commercial generator - apparently we built some goodwill with the local authorities after our feeding frenzy last night ;) , the Bandit and I went to Bill's Place and Rector was very calm and quiet; only a few very small smoke columns rising, no active flames.

We then had Dave and Buster (current battalion chiefs, or "BCs") over for burgers and were similarly told that all is very quiet elsewhere (MacCabes/Derns/Perri/Manfree/Shepp). The "graybacks" (hand crews) did a great job continuing to clear lines and extinguish smoldering fires in the Valley.

Several engines are heading down the hill to tend to the Veterans Home which is apparently being threatened, but a strike team (five engines plus Dave and Buster in their two-man truck and a water tanker) will be here through the night making rounds. Two engines will be stationed between Perris, Manfrees, and Shepps, and the other three will be split between Bill's Place, the Mayor's Mansion, the Tunnel, and the Derns. Dave and Buster will be rotating through the entire valley all night looking for any signs of trouble.

Again, winds are nonexistent right now, lets hope it stays that way all night!!


PS - I forgot to include in my earlier email that during this morning's briefing the Bandit and I were upgraded from "local boys" to "subject matter experts" by John Lovie, a local Napa Fireman who has been absolutely CRITICAL to all of the efforts this week. Speaking of critical people, just so I dont forget, here is a list of names we need to remember for when it comes time to do some very special thank yous:
John Lovie (Napa)
Tony Martinez (Napa)
Chris Herking ("Bert" - Kings County)
Ernie Amato (Kings County)
Dave Bakas (Riverside)
Jeff ?? (Riverside)

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 13, 2017 8:10PM  Share #1694

As we remain cautiously optimistic for Foss Valley…I wanted share part of my day, send a few videos and briefly mention PG&E.

This morning, my sis and I wanted to send food up Soda Canyon for the firemen… feeling that Anthony and the gang must have emptied their fridges last night. On the way there, we passed the PGE Base Camp which is off of Stanley Lane & 29 by Merryvale Starmont. There are hundreds of cars parked there. While we were waiting at the signal, a morning PG&E crew was just headed out with their fresh assignments. At least 25 trucks… and I know many of them were for Soda Canyon Road.

When we approached Soda Canyon we were stopped with a serious NO ENTRY. Much firmer than I’ve heard in the past. And we, like Cindy heard it was an “Active Crime Scene”. We left the food for the Fire Crew with a Sherriff who took it up the hill for my friend Wayne to disburse.

While we were at the corner… several CalFire and Firetrucks were coming down off the hill. And as I turned to watch them drive off, there were multiple Davies Tree Service Trucks headed up Soda Canyon. The Sheriff said… “Only vehicles going up are PG&E and Davies”.

When I drove up to my house on Monday afternoon… I was shocked by the number of downed trees and power lines hanging everywhere over the road and along the road. They have their work cut out for them.

Cindy heard from PG&E today that we may have power in a couple of days! Probably lower Soda Canyon, then working their way up. Truly amazing news based on what I saw on Monday. But will we even be allowed up to our homes then?

Cindy’s report tells me they are VERY serious about getting our power repaired. I understand there is some sort of effort to blame PG&E for our fires, like the San Bruno fire. Have to say that I completely disagree with that. We have a LOT of power outages at the top of the road… lines snapping…because of trees falling on them. NOT because of PG&E’s lack of maintenance. They have Davies come in and trim our trees regularly.

PG&E is stepping up to assist us, just as CalFire, Multiple State Fire Departments & Law Enforcement. And I truly thank them all. AND of course… Smokey, the Bandit, and Evil Knievel! And everyone else working behind the scenes.

Attached Videos: This morning …watching the PG&E departure from their base. The corner of Soda Canyon and Silverado Trl …trucks in and trucks out. A helicopter refreshing water supplies at Antica Winery and another dumping water. How handy that Antica has such an amazing water supply! Thank you Glenn for your participation also.

We will all get through this… one way or another. And I truly love how this ‘community’ is coming together to assist anyone and everyone.

My friend Wayne is still at my house and seems to have become the designated feeder of critters. Need food or water to a critter tomorrow? Let me know. He’s calling himself “Cat Man” ☺

Glenn Schleuder responds:
Thanks Shelle, why we as a community, county, state do not have simple, rational procedures for shutting off the power lines in these extremely high wind, low humidity weathet events is absolutely baffling to me. I've seen this same thing now 2 or 3 times in my adult life where super high winds cause power lines to slap together or break, immediately sparking a ferocious wind driven wildland fire with immediate and devastating consequences. Excuse me but what am I missing here? Glenn

Diane Shepp responds:
Here’s a thought how about burying the lines like they do in other communities? Power poles are 20th century technology. Diane

David Hallett responds:
I was amazed when I first came to the USA to see all the overhead powerlines in the cities. However quickly learnt how vast this country is, cost to relocate all the lines underground would be beyond belief. Maybe we could follow the Napa County/City plan and start by burying the lines on the roads frequented by the tourists. Certainly need a requirement in the building code for any new construction

Question folks- did the forecasted strong winds stay away last night. Stay safe you brave Remainers.

Lauren Griffiths responds:
David, So good to hear from you! Our hearts go out to you and Lynne. You have been in our thoughts and prayers.

Perhaps the Grand Jury could look into the power line infrastructure.

Shelle Wolfe responds at 9:28am:
YES, David… SO good to hear you. Letter writing campaign.

Eisabeth Meier at the Soda Canyon Store right now… National Guard there now. SO, no getting around them. No access.

Amber Manfree - Oct 13, 2017 5:05PM  Share #1693

I took Rich MacCabe's mom, Nora, to town yesterday and then left for Davis. Things were quiet and calm when I left, and firefighters assured me it was likely to remain that way, or else I would have stayed.

Have had word that fire was working it's way through the creek by Arger's today and that there's another flare-up at the Point right now, a part of Rector Cyn near Rich's house.

Talked to PG&E crews who were at the bottom of the road putting in new power lines around 6pm, they hadn't fully assessed the damage yet, but said power should be restored in 1 to 2 weeks. Cindy has more recent info, so perhaps more accurate. I would speculate that the closer you are to Silverado Tr, the sooner your power will be back up.

The helicopters were amazing yesterday, 5 different kinds all running circles from Antinori's reservoir. Like ballet. Only lots more horsepower.

If anyone has info about when/how to get back in please let me know.

Also, if anyone can leave some cat food out at the Adams's place, Piewackett the cat is too skittish to catch, and all her food burned up Monday morning. Between the chicken coop and goat barn (goatel) would be a good place.

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 13, 2017 4:49PM  Share #1692

NVR 10/1317: Sheriff: 2 more found dead in Napa County
(George Chaney and probably Edward Stone on Atlas Peak Road. Deaths of Sara and Charles Rippey on Atlas Peak Rd confirmed earlier in week.)

Cindy Grupp - Oct 13, 2017 4:46PM  Share #1691

I just got some great news. PG&E could have power restored in days rather than the weeks I had feared. I talked to Rich from PG&E when I was there on Monday. I gave him my phone number and he just called and gave me the news. I thought I was going to have to buy a generator. My new best friend, Rich from PG&E will call or text me when it's restored at my house. They're working their way up the canyon.

Jessica Martin - Oct 13, 2017 4:26PM  Share #1690

Thank you Bill! We sincerely appreciate the consistent updates. My husband Peter Martin and I, and our two children are safe and somehow, our home at 2354 has survived, albeit with much damage to infrastructure. Our neighbor directly below us at 2350, Patricia Anderson, is also safe and at last check, still in her residence which has also survived the inferno. We are so deeply saddened for our friends and neighbors who have lost so much. We are praying for everyone’s health and safety as we know we still have a long way to go. I hope that together we can rebuild to make our dear Soda Canyon even more beautiful than before. Be safe!

Anthony Arger - Oct 13, 2017 3:58PM  Share #1689

Supposed crime scene: It is my understanding that an elderly woman named Sally and her caretaker who live on lower SCR were taken by the fire on Sunday night. This is NOT CONFIRMED, but if there is some sort of "active crime scene," that would be my guess as to what it is about. I hope I am wrong.

Fire status:
We are looking really good up here as of this email - no structures lost or even threatened at the moment. Bert and Ernie left after their 24 hr shift this morning and may or may not be back tomorrow. We now have a new crew from Southern California who are equipped with even larger engines. I spent the morning taking the new battalion chiefs - Dave and Jeff (Dave and Buster?? and we can call the new crew Dave and Buster's?? I'll run it by the guys...) - all around Foss Valley. We started with Bill's Place, then the Mayor's Mansion (Mike Russ), the Tunnel (Richie MacCabe), the Dern's, the Shepp's, the Manfree's, and the Perri's. All are looking VERY good.

There is smoldering fires/ashes all around these houses and there are both engines and hand crews on site at each location continuing to clear brush where necessary and otherwise extinguish smoldering fires with the bigger engines. The goal is to get everything cleared and/or out before the winds are supposed to pick up.

All of these locations are "black," "clean," and "cold," which means all underbrush has already burned, there is no underbrush left to burn, and the smoldering piles are effectively out. This is really good news. However, out of an abundance of caution, engines are stationed at each location in anticipation of the afternoon winds.

Rector Canyon:
I just got done talking to a hand crew (who are from Beckwourth up near Portola and coincidentally the majority of the crew is from Reno and know a lot of my friends from high school - small world that is great bc they immediately warmed up to me and were willing to share intel) and they just finished hiking all the way down into the bottom of Rector from what we/crews are calling "The Ritz" (the huge mansion and pavillions on the point just west of Bill); they said it still a little "dirty" (half burned/half not), which is not great bc it could still burn a little more if the winds start something up, BUT for now there are no flames, only smoldering piles that are "not of concern."

Foss Valley
That same hand crew (the "Reno crew"??) is now going to the area between the Shepps and Doug Christian to "clean up" an unburned "line" that is the only real threat left on that end of the valley. Although it is not pretty, the entire sides of the mountains at the north end of the Valley are almost entirely "black," which is good because if the winds come out of the northeast and bring embers from the Berryessa side of the mountain, there really is not much left to burn on the north end. As a result, it would take a LOT to get another big blaze going in the area. I am by no means saying we are out of the woods, but I am cautiously optimistic, even with the predicted winds.

Air support:
Two helicopters have been operating all day taking water from Antica over to the west end of Foss Valley towards Stagecoach pavillion, and numerous planes have been dropping retardant just on the other side of the peak towards Berryessa. This is also a good thing because hopefully things will not be as bad on that side of the peak if/when the winds pick up out of the northeast.

Ok, time to head back out there. Fingers crossed the winds stay down and we'll check in later.

Over and out,
Smokey, the Bandit, and Evil Knievel

Eren Ozmen - Oct 13, 2017 3:31PM  Share #1688

Thank you all again for all the updates, including Smokey and Bandit :)

Our company SNC has managed to get a surveillance airplane with our special very wide area sensor that can provide imagery for day and night, and obtained permission for the state authorities to fly in the area for a big picture assessment. Will keep you posted with the info.

Thanks again for all you do,

Steve Chilton - Oct 13, 2017 12:43PM  Share #1686

Satellite Images of fire area

I found this site that provides a satellite image that is not real-time, but post fire start. The images are quite sobering and sad, but it does provide additional information. The site is heavily used, so it may take a few tries to access. It initially takes you to Santa Rosa, but you can pan over to Napa and Soda Canyon.

Cindy Grupp - Oct 13, 2017 11:19AM  Share #1684

I'm waiting at the bottom of the road where the authorities are not letting anyone up as it's an "active crime scene" ?????

Lauren Griffiths asks:
Yikes! Goes without saying we're all interesting in details if/when available. Please advise if/when you are allowed up the hill.

Cindy responds:
I've gone back to my friend's house. I did talk to Deputy Fisher who is my horse Vet's husband. He said he would check my house and he or Lindsey would call me back.

Bill Hocker writes:
The exchange I had with John McDowell 4 posts below might explain the "crime scene". Or not.

Shelle Wolfe writes:
They were aware of Sally, Luis’s death a few days ago… And Soda Canyon Store is not a crime scene until this morning. I was there also this morning trying to get in and they were identifying it now as a crime scene. They would not let anyone up so I sent the food I had for the firemen up with the sheriff.

So… There may be something else going on up there
Yeoryios also wrote about someone who is missing from Soda Canyon Store… Perhaps they’re looking for that person.

Lauren Griffiths - Oct 13, 2017 10:15AM  Share #1683

The gist of last nights fire fighter feast was reported on the news. The news anchor is the sister of Shelle's nephew's bride. The bridesmaids stayed in our little "Shackteau " for the wedding several weeks ago.

Shelle Wolfe adds:
I am so thrilled that she read it… I sent it to her this morning with fingers crossed that it might make the news. Giving the broadcast a true flavor of what’s going on out here.…

Very exciting in such a very sad time.

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 13, 2017 8:54AM  Share #1682

PG&E is out in force this morning!

Anthony Arger - Oct 13, 2017 8:52AM  Share #1681

Had a very quiet night last night - the quietest yet this week. No status change on homes from last night, which is good bc that means that all are still ok thus far. We'll see what the winds do this afternoon/evening, but we heard that the helicopters will be back today - fingers crossed they will be and will continue to knock the smoldering fires down (and hopefully out!) so the winds will not have nearly the effect that they otherwise would.

The most important morning update is that Nikko and I have been given our official call signs/designators: Smokey (Anthony) & the Bandit (Nikko - the Geek is out apparently).

Bill Hocker - Oct 13, 2017 7:25AM  Share #1685

Yeoryios sent out an email asking on behalf of County Planner John McDowell for information on Sally Lewis, who Richard Ehernberger said had died in the fire with her caretaker.

John McDowell wrote back to me:
Thank you Bill for relaying the information. The Sheriff was alerted yesterday and I believe they had already had a team search 1990 Soda Canyon Road which was the address we had associated with her name. They have teams trying to resolve these missing persons cases. As an investigation they can’t tell me anything more than that. I’ll get this additional information to the operations Captain. My heart goes out to all in Soda Canyon and all other areas impacted by the fire. Take care.

Anne Palotas - Oct 13, 2017 6:35AM  Share #1680

I know that everyone is concerned about the forecast winds, with varying reports for what they might be. For years I have been using the NWS pinpoint forecast system. I have found that it has been quite accurate, it takes into account a myriad of factors including our elevation.

Here is a link - this link is already targeted to the Foss Valley.

For once, I am hoping that the forecast is wrong for the winds and that they will slack off. Please, please, please!

Anthony Arger - Oct 12, 2017 11:55PM  Share #1679

As earlier reported, this morning started out a little rough with the 4am run up towards the Derns, but our situation in Foss Valley has improved DRAMATICALLY due primarily to the air support we got today. We had anywhere from 6-8 helicopters working simultaneously in Foss Valley for nearly 7 hours straight and it was incredible. As of this email, no other structures in Foss Valley have been lost!!

According to Bert and Ernie, the helicopters literally just showed up; the crews up here had no idea how or why they arrived (a recent Gallo purchase perhaps??), but we all didnt care and were just ecstatic to see them arrive; I have had a smile on my face all afternoon/evening. I have never served in the armed forces, but I can imagine the feelings I had today were akin to a weary soldier on the front lines of a losing battle whose spirits and fortunes are suddenly lifted by the appearance and effectiveness of heavy air power; and I mean HEAVY air power. I took a video at one point and in the span of 2 minutes, there are six different helicopters that cross the screen from the same vantage point. The bulk of their efforts went to the Hockers (nickname "Bill's Place"), Mike Russ' house (nickname the "Mayor of Soda Canyon" / the "Mayor's Mansion"), Richie MacCabe's (nickname the "Tunnel"), and the Derns.

As a result of the air support, Nikko (official nickname the "Geek"), Glenn (official nickname "Evil Knievel"), and I (still no official nickname) decided it was time to cook a warm meal for our fireman troops - some of whom have been on shift for FOUR DAYS STRAIGHT without a full night's sleep or warm meal. So, with the food from our house that would otherwise have spoiled, we coordinated with Bert and Ernie to feed their overnight crew of 30 guys in 3 shifts. We put on quite the spread at Evil Knievel's house: Caprese salad with fresh tomatoes from our garden, pork loins, venison, wild pheasant, mushroom raviolis and baked beans. It was so nice to put football on the TV for these guys and see them actually relax a little bit. It was also great to get to know them a little bit better. This was definitely a highlight for all of us during a tough week.

Another highlight was when I was running around gathering the crew for dinner, I found Bert and Ernie and other crew chiefs hanging out on the Dern's overlook shooting the breeze at sunset. Seeing them so relaxed instantly put me at ease and told me that things are looking up for all of us. I also know that Kris Dern would have loved to see these guys enjoying a moment of peace on his property after they have been working so hard to save it.

Overall, everyone can rest easy tonight. There is an engine stationed overnight at every potentially threatened home (Hocker/Russ/MacCabe/Dern/Perri). And while we are not out of the woods yet with the high winds predicted over the next day or so, things are certainly looking better.

Sleep well everyone and keep those good thoughts and prayers coming this way!!

Fire Crew at hanging out at the Derns (Bert is at the head facing the camera and Ernie is to his left, camera right with the cap on.)

Drop at Bills Point

Atlas Fire Soda Canyon Photos

Bill Hocker - Oct 12, 2017 10:28PM  Share #1591

Photos from various folks on the road:

10/14/17 10:31am from Antica vineyards

10/14/17 5:28am Near Rich MacCabe's house

10/12/17 6:30pm Fire Crew at Derns

10/12/17 5:00pm Drop on Ho/Hocker Point

10/10/17 6:34pm Foss Valley Plateau

10/10/17 3:00pm Foss Valley Palteau

10/9/17 noon?: Anthony flies over

10/9/17 9-8am: Glenn's driveway

10/9/17 9-8am: Glenn's front yard

10/9/17 9-8am:

10/9/17 9-8am:

10/9/17 9-8am:

10/9/17 9-8am: What is this?

10/8/17 10-11pm: From the top of the grade

10/8/17 10-11pm: Further down the grade

Derek Beal - Oct 13, 2017 3:04PM

Derek Beal and family are safe from Rector Plateau

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 12, 2017 6:56PM  Share #1677

This morning the Napa news conference reported that we have 3 times as many 'resources' in play for these fires as we did yesterday -- that means planes, helicopters, trucks and personnel. Once the So Cal fires were handled they sent everything up north to us.

AND, that has certainly shown itself in the field. Wayne and Chris both reported hundreds of helicopter water drops in our valley, as well as multiple payloads coming from planes. Wayne described it as though he were on the ground in Viet Nam. Constant fly overs. But very welcome.

Now the helicopters have completed their mission and the roads are full of quads racing around checking everything out before dark.

The video attached is one of the planes today flying over Foss Valley dropping retardant and also the sunset over the Meritage where I'm staying. The sun flying seems to be at half-mast as it sets. The plane is a much more welcome sight than a Blue Angel any day.

The far valley mountain over the Shepps/Manfrees area seems to be smoldering quite a bit, but other than that -- relatively quiet on the fire front.

Has Foss Valley escaped the worst of it? Way too early to tell, but I'm feeling cautiously optimistic today. For the first time.

One of the new names I added this morning is Kim and Clint Jones. They closed on their home on lower Soda Canyon 3 weeks ago. OMG what a welcome to the community. They've been out of the country and are coming home on Friday or back to Napa at least. They lived through the Lake County fires, but lost their home there also. I can't even imagine losing one home, let alone two to fire. They are looking forward to getting to know the Soda Canyon neighbors.

M. Gordon McComas - Oct 12, 2017 6:43PM  Share #1676

1204 [SCR] here,
So devastated. Got to ride up with sheriff yesterday.
Our house along with 3 adjoining neighbors were spared.
The left side of the road is gone.
Our hearts go out to everyone,
Any idea when we might get back up there?
Only allowed one trip up for medication.

Diane Shepp - Oct 12, 2017 5:08PM  Share #1673

Doug Christian our Vol Fire Chief and his friend Scot Scherer have been up there and fighting the fire the whole time. They have saved the Manfree’s, Chopping and our homes! They are subsisting on power bars. If Anthony and/Nicholas could bring him food and acknowledge their tireless work please. Don Christian is off hill and safe.

Vivian and Deb are off the mountain as are George and Elaine Baker and Marlene Mansfield.

Yeoryios Apallas - Oct 12, 2017 2:46PM  Share #1672

John McDowell is looking for an SCR resident who is still missing.
She lives at 1990 SCR. Her name is Sally Lewis. If you know her status please call John at 707.738.3954.

This note from Richard Ehernberger below:
Definitive info : Point Cottage and the ranch [Soda Springs Resort] are toast....worse yet our neighbor Sally Lewis and her caregiver perished in the early hours of the fire...possibly even before I tried to alert them....tried to call and text her and her daughter as soon as I learned of the impending holocaust.......

Lauren Griffiths - Oct 12, 2017 2:04PM  Share #1665

Mail Pickup
Mail can be picked up at the Napa post office on Trances between 10-5:00. Be sure to have your ID.

Mary Jane Stevens - Oct 12, 2017 11:14AM  Share #1664

You didn't mention about the Stevens property across the street from you [meaning Anthony] . You may have mentioned by names but I'm not sure location you were referring to. How is that area doing?

You have no idea how much we appreciate all you are doing. Bless you all and many thanks.

Shelle Wolfe responds:
Hi Mary Jane: I don't know how often Anthony will get to a computer. So I will respond on his behalf. Our whole side of the street is OK at the moment.

Elisabeth Meier, your neighbor your neighbor toward Antica was up there this morning also and she reports that there is still smoldering over by the mailboxes and the firetruck is posted there but so far so good.

Anthony Arger - Oct 12, 2017 11:11AM  Share #1663

Anyway, contrary to some of the earlier emails, things appear to be in pretty good shape up here still. The fire did make a run up Rector at the Derns around 4am, but it is my current understanding that structures are still standing. Will confirm in a few hours.

(Note: Everyone past our property got evac'd early this am when the 4am run came, but this was strictly over concerns of getting trapped if the creek bed at MPW/Russ property lit up - so far this has not happened. We are still not supposed to go down that way, but Bert and Ernie were just saying they want to come up with call signs for me and Nikko (early name contenders are Dr. Howard and Dr. Fine or Starsky and Hutch, we'll see what they go with ;) , so I think we'll be able to get down to the area past our house soon)

Perris/Manfree/Shepp: Our understanding is that all structures still intact. Will confirm in a few hours. Again, per my email yesterday, if somebody could get in touch with Michael Perri and let him know that we evac'd Batman the horse to Cherry (or Sherry??) Saunders Farm in American Canyon, that would be very helpful. Also let them know that we moved their Cadillac to Antinoris. (A Daly City cop came up to check this morning on horse, which means Perris do not know horse is safe - please let them know).

Hocker/MPW: It is my understanding the Hocker house is still intact (I would be utterly shocked if anything more than the few boards on the deck burned last night bc a crew was stationed literally at the house overnight). Fire has burned all the way up (direction south) the western side of Hockers/MPW to the road and took out a few of MPWs vines. However, I want to stress that this is GOOD THING bc it means that all/most of the fuel/threat from the west is effectively gone. I am learning a LOT about fires from hanging out with the crews and it is very obvious there is a lot of fuel (brush, trees, etc.) around and if it is all slowly burning off, which it currently is, it is a very good thing.

Russ/MacCabe: Unsure of their homes at this time, but no smoke was coming from their area as of this morning, so I am cautiously optimistic; will confirm later.

As for our property, we walked the entire perimeter with the local/Napa crew and our best guess is that the fire will slowly work up the blue-line creek bed (hopefully missing Russ home) through the MPW property and around the east side of our house/property (wild area btwn us and Antica). As long as this happens slowly, it will be a good thing bc then essentially all of the fuel on our end of the valley will be gone (bc everything behind Shelle, Anne, Griffiths has already burned).

Fingers crossed that the winds cooperate and the slow burns continue.

Also, a hand fire crew is working its say up SCR and the plan is to have them go to Perri/Manfree/Shepp area and cut a fire line for any vegetation not already burned to go up and over towards Berryessa.

Stay calm, positive, and optimistic; if there is one thing I am learning from these fire guys (and Amber for that matter, she is incredible!) is that a calm, realistic demeanor goes a VERY LONG way. I am cautiously optimistic for Foss Valley and you should be too. Just keep up the prayers, postive energy, and good vibes and all will be good.

Will check in a little later.

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 12, 2017 11:06AM  Share #1661

Kathryn Hall was just on TV 2. They are offering matching funds for all recovery dollars donated. The fund is set up at the Redwood Credit Union and they are guaranteeing that all funds will go to those who have lost their homes.

Additionally, Hall is also offering a free stay at Senza Hotel by Bistro don Giovanni for those who lost their homes.


Many people are asking what they can do: this is a great place to start.

Lauren Griffiths - Oct 12, 2017 10:30AM  Share #1662

Here is another map that seems to include satellite fire detection. Just zoom in and select satellite option.


Shelle Wolfe - Oct 12, 2017 8:59AM  Share #1660

Thank you Glenn!
So good to hear your voice, So to speak. Are you going to stay up there? Chris and Carrie are also going to be staying. Not sure when when they'll be coming down.
And Wayne just clarified; He's not ready to head down the hill but he is packing up the car!

Dan McFadden - Oct 12, 2017 8:59AM  Share #1659

The news from Alan Shepp at 8:45 this morning is that firefighters are camping out in Bill's barn and have saved his house, although part of the deck burned. Alan's house is OK at present. However, the fire from Rector canyon continues to threaten all of Foss Valley, so things may not be over. Our cows survived, as did the hay barn. The rest of our farm is gone.

Glenn Schreuder - Oct 12, 2017 8:51AM  Share #1658

So far so good this morning, I am not aware of any structures lost overnight. Calfire crews continue to defend.

Amy Whiteford - Oct 12, 2017 8:38AM  Share #1657

Thank you very much for your efforts in keeping the neighbors updated on the fire destruction. Such bittersweet and heartbreaking news. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do. I am due with our second child on Wednesday, but I will be keeping our town and neighbors in my thoughts. There will no doubt be an extensive recovery effort once we know the extent of the damage, please keep me posted as we at Warnock Vineyards and Bloodlines Wine will certainly participate if not lead the charge on a fundraiser or any other means of support. I heard from the Perris yesterday that they were in their RV at the Elk’s Lodge, safe. Please feel free to reach out if there is any way I can contribute or help a fellow neighbor.

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 12, 2017 8:28AM  Share #1655

My friend Wayne, who has been staying at my house, is packing up Lauren and Dave’s SUV and preparing to come back down the hill. (He came up with them on Tuesday and had to leave his truck on the Trail).

7:54 am
Fire seems to have backed away from the immediate area but winds are coming up. Not good direction.

Sorry for the brevity, I’m dealing with very short texts from men who are not very verbose with their fingers.

7:08 am
Not great news this morning.

Chris reporting that the fire is at the Krupp gate. Not sure if by mail boxes or red barn.
Guessing by mailboxes.

20mph winds according to weather report. Blowing [from] West.

Deep sigh.

David Heitzman - Oct 12, 2017 8:15AM  Share #1656

Here is a partial post from "Next Door Circle Oaks"----------------------------Regarding the most current situation in Circle Oaks

Positive Update from Tom Miller: I talked with him today and he said ok to pass on the info that not one home has burned, and Circle Oaks is "probably" in the clear. This is mainly due to the fire burning completely around the Circle Oaks community. The berry patch along Ridgecrest is gone. All around CO is burned (and that means the fuel all around Circle Oaks) has burned, which is good because if there is another serious wind shift, there is little fuel for an inferno. The firefighters basically let the fire approach Circle Oaks and then stopped it and back burned it away this is to help protect homes in CO. These were slow burning fires as it came down the hill with little or no wind. Easy to control, put out and manage. There is a Battalion Chief fire fighter (who lives in CO) who is in charge of the fight up there and you can be sure they are doing their best to protect the community.

John Regan - Oct 12, 2017 7:48AM  Share #1654

The Regan's house and barn at 1029 Loma Vista burned, but caretaker Clayton is safe. The owners of Whiterock safe, evacd idle of night by son Michael. Winery damaged, structures lost, but vines mostly OK. Loma Vista is a mess. Our thoughts and prayers are with you from back east.

Diana MacCabe - Oct 12, 2017 6:11AM  Share #1653

Here's a request from Jamie Chandler on Facebook:
If anyone has any info about 3000 Soda Canyon I would be very grateful. We're the house with the Atlas Peak AVA sign on our lot. House is on East side of road and is the next one up from Glenn Schreuder's on the right side. We can't learn anything and it's killing us.

How are you all getting up there? I've been turned away by the Sheriffs.

Amy Whiteford - Oct 12, 2017 5:36AM  Share #1674

I wanted to connect you with Michael Perri. He is looking for information about this horse. I am sorry that I do not have up to date information, but I thought I would connect him to you all. Maybe you could add him to your email alerts or connect him with someone that may know about the welfare of his animal?

Shelle Wolfe writes
Your horse is safe. Batman was taken to Cherry (or Sherry) Saunders Farm in American Canyon. The Arger Boys ere out there and took care of him.
And your house is safe also.
I'll put you on the email updates for the areal.
Eager for this horrid nightmare to be over, and hopefully our little valley will be safe.

Amber Manfree - Oct 12, 2017 3:35AM  Share #1652

Night watch notes: for the first time all day there are no menacing infernos anywhere. The view is thick, moonlit smoke and a few smoldering glows and tiny spot fires.

As Anthony said, fires moved up the creeks south of the canyon. That happened fairly quick, over 2 or 3 hours from what I could see. Looked like a structure fire around midnight on the east end of the canyon. Firefighters were all over that area, so hopefully my gut is wrong on this. Will have to assess in the morning.

We are safe - Rich, Nora, Kevin and I are at Viv's house. Firefighters are stationed at Perri's field.

Most of us will probably head to town early tomorrow, I think we have done what we can here. I'll be checking around the neighborhood on the way, looking for pets in need of food, etc.

Phone low on battery; ill be able to check it one more time when I wake up. Texts are easier to access for me. My number is 707-758-0107.

Eren Ozmen - Oct 11, 2017 10:09PM  Share #1644

It is a miracle, our Napa house survived, we lost a lot but main house is in ok shape, thanks

Chris Millers's main house is ok, new house that they were building is gone. Sorry about that. Big Trees between the 2 of us survived. Olive trees are very hot but have a chance to survive.

Shelle Wolfe adds:
Thank you Erin, the news coming from your area is much better than any of us who saw the damage on your hill could imagine.
You are right... truly a miracle Particularly after seeing the loss of the Olive Barn.
Deep sigh, fires work in the most mysterious ways.

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 11, 2017 9:49PM  Share #1649

You and Nicko have done an incredible service to our little Valley and neighbors.
I know Glenn is there also working diligently for neighbors’ safety.
This catastrophic fire has left many with nothing...and what is left... we have people like you and your brother fighting for.
These days have been like a war. And the fire enemy is coming from all directions with little warning.
To have our neighbors on site, watching after us is an incredible gift. Giving us all comfort.
So thank you. Thank you SO MUCH.

Anthony Arger - Oct 11, 2017 6:39PM  Share #1648

First, I cannot believe the Ozmens and Millers homes survived, truly amazing; such good news during this difficult time!

Second, updates:
Nikko and I spent the entire day leading engines all around the plateau to station at homes (these crews are from all over the state and have no idea as to geography, etc. so it has been nice to be able to assist them and make sure they can get to the houses and hot spots), and as of this email, it is my understanding that all in Foss Valley are still intact and unharmed, including those closest to the flames: Perris, Manfrees, Shepps, Derns, MacCabes, and Hockers.

The fires are (and have been) burning (1) up and down the north side of Foss valley towards the Shepps, Manfrees and Perris, and (2) up Rector towards Hockers/Derns/MacCabes.

Fortunately, the winds they were predicting never materialized. I have not been to the north side since about 4pm, but at that time it appeared that most of the fuel had slowly burned around the Shepps and Manfrees (all the way up to the houses), and still had more to burn around the Perris. Trucks are at all those locations and are planning to spend the night.

We just got back from Hockers and were incredibly relieved to see that most everything has burned around the point and is burning up both sides towards Mike Russ and MPW. I say relieved because that means the fuel is getting chewed up and is doing so slowly and under control. Bill's deck caught fire, but the crew was able to put it out very quickly by ripping off a few boards. We opened the barn for the overnight crew at Hockers and took ground pads for them. They said they are not sure if they will sleep, but it is a good sign they are thinking about taking a snooze.

As with the last couple of days, things can change quickly, but as of now the slow burn is a good thing and I think/hope everyone can rest easy tonight.

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 11, 2017 6:35PM  Share #1650

Wayne reporting from my house by the mailboxes.
Fire coming up Rector now. Six trucks on site fighting fire.
Winds climbing now.
Please... everyone... take a big breath and blow it back down the canyon!

Dan McFadden - Oct 11, 2017 6:05PM  Share #1647

News from Mike [Russ] at 5:45pm Oct 11th
Bill Hocker, your house is standing. A fire truck is there and fire coming up from the canyon was put out. We were not lucky. Our farm is gone.

Chris Miller - Oct 11, 2017 5:35PM  Share #1640

Today Steve Hope and I got a ride with law enforcement to check out the Ozmen's and our place, side by side properties at mile 3. The journey there was grim and sad. The destruction on the lower Soda Canyon flats was brutal and nearly complete. I only observed the Grassi house still standing, but may have missed details from the caged back seat of the squad car.
The Ozmen's and Millers survived better than I'd expected. The Ozmen's main house is intact, while the barn and guest house are gone. The Miller's new house, 2 months shy of completion, is destroyed, but the garage and apartment structure we live in currently is unblemished, and the vegetable garden is undamaged. It was surreal. The house across the road from us remains standing. Hopefully more neighbors had a chance to get in and see for themselves what remains. I wish we'd had a chance to inspect further up the canyon but am grateful for the chance to see what happened to our home after I'd fled. Not knowing is agonizing. Hope we all know soon, and that there are more of us that find something better than they'd expected.

Anthony Arger - Oct 11, 2017 4:05PM  Share #1646

Engines stationed at Perris, Manfrees, Shepps and Hockers (there are several others in the area as well) in expectation of afternoon winds. Everything ok as of now.

Please tell Perris that we moved their Cadillac to Antinoris, and Batman the horse was taken to Cherry Saunders farm in American Canyon.

Bill Hocker - Oct 11, 2017 3:35PM  Share #1645

Kathy Lindstrom Safranek reports:
This update came to me this afternoon 10/11/17 from my dear friend Rich MacCabe. "we are still here...and ok...it's coming today tonight or tomorrow... Gonna fight it..Have generator and water...my love to all..." Would you please post his update on this wonderful website for the Soda Canyon residents. I grew up at 3178 Soda Canyon (now the Cowens, I believe). My dad built our 1000 sq ft home in 1969,and sold it in 1985. I have so many fond memories of growing up on the mountain, and of some dear people, some of which still live up there! Thank you! Best of luck with all this uncertainty and devastation of the beautiful Soda Canyon Mountain.

Cindy Grupp - Oct 11, 2017 12:54PM  Share #1642

I was able to go up the road yesterday morning to feed my horses and make sure they had water. Sheriff deputy only allowed me to be up there for 45 minutes. Not enough time to properly secure fence and gates. I put out enough hay for two feedings but by 2 pm they were out on the road. Fortunately they were picked up and taken to Vintage Farm.
Thank you to whom ever helped with that.

Gary Margadant - Oct 11, 2017 11:33AM  Share #1639

Hi friends no news to report from the mount Veeder home we are just waiting to hear from the fire department if there's been any activity near our home so just wish us luck and we're just waiting on pins and needles.

Gary & Annie

Bill Hocker - Oct 11, 2017 11:32AM  Share #1638

For all of you who are checking in on this thread, I will be on a plane for the next 10 hours and unable to add the emails that I have been receiving, but Shelle Wolfe will be adding the emails that she receives with relevant information to communicate. If you want to contact her the email is shelle@protectruralnapa.org or shelle@winedineevents.com

Diana MacCabe - Oct 11, 2017 10:39AM  Share #1637

Diana MacCabe Whited here.
I've got an update from Amber:
With Rich at his place. Cops let me and kev here to help keep an eye on things. Kev is at grandmas. Fire is smoldering now, not bad. Working its way around the rim. Wind may pick up tonight, will be on it. Hocker's house is ok. Please post info to soda cyn rd website.
Thank you all so very much for creating this website for us to keep up to date with one another on all things Soda Canyon. The availablity of current information during this time of turmoil is priceless. Thank you everyone for giving us your updates and helping us all better understand what is happening.
All of you are heroes. Keeping each other safe, remaining positive and caring and doing all you can do to help one another. Never been so proud to be a Hill Kid.

Anthony Arger - Oct 11, 2017 10:14AM  Share #1636

Talked to Bert and Ernie this am and they said all houses on north end of Foss Valley, including Shepps, Manfrees and Perrys are OK. Bills house is also OK this am. After we stood with the Sesame Street twins yesterday on our property and pointed where all the houses are to the north, they sent 4 engines to the Shepps/Manfrees and were able to save all structures! However, they did say there is a red flag warning for wind today, so I am going to stay with Nikko and Glenn and keep working on clearing leaves from Glenns house and working with fire crews. Not able to make it down past Glenns today bc I will not make it back up.

Bill Hocker - Oct 11, 2017 10:12AM  Share #1635

Sent by Tony MacCabe:

David & Reyna Blasko - Oct 11, 2017 9:11AM  Share #1634

I spoke to Nick [Vassos] last night and they evacuated safely

Steve & Linda Dietiker-Yolo - Oct 11, 2017 8:58AM  Share #1633

We lived at 1221 Soda Canyon Rd. Everyone and all pets except one got out safely.
Houses were totally destroyed.
Steve Yolo
Linda Dietiker-Yolo
Gena Yolo
Natalie Williams
Robert Williams
Layla Williams
Susan Sneed

Amber Manfree - Oct 11, 2017 8:48AM  Share #1632

8am Wed: I am at Trancas and Silverado with my mom and Kevin, there are about 50 residents lined up here, sheriff says they will escort people in on a case-by-case basis of need starting at 9 am.

I understand that to mean that the sheriff will take people in and we can't bring our own cars.
Sheriffs say winds are expected to pick up around10am, so risk will increase again today.

The number for Napa emergency ops is:

They are the place with the most information about access.
Mike Perri, Todd Ellis, and Chris Dern are in line here too.

Frank & Julie Husic - Oct 11, 2017 7:25AM  Share #1631

From Adams Adams on NextDoor Soda Canyon

Just spoke with a Sheriff that is posted at Old Soscol and Trancas. He told me they are not letting anyone up. The winds have shifted and they are very worried. Please let me know if they hear of people being escorted up to check on their properties. We are out of town, but my estate manager is waiting to get up there [Ridge Drive] and check on our cats.

David & Reyna Blasko - Oct 11, 2017 7:24AM  Share #1625

We picked up these three mares from soda canyon - they are at vintage farm. Label on their butts. Sucked up and stressed but they’re okay. Please share so we can let the owners know their ponies are safe! PLEASE SHARE to try to get word to them!!

Cindy Grupp writes:
I was able to go up the road yesterday morning to feed my horses and make sure they had water. Sheriff deputy only allowed me to be up there for 45 minutes. Not enough time to properly secure fence and gates. I put out enough hay for two feedings but by 2 pm they were out on the road. Fortunately they were picked up and taken to Vintage Farm.
Thank you to whom ever helped with that.

Amber Manfree - Oct 10, 2017 11:58PM  Share #1630

Thank you all so much for the steady news feed, beats the TV by light years.

My brother Kevin and I drove around to road blocks this evening to talk to cops and learn what we could. The officers were all from out of town and did not have much info, but they did say that there's a good chance that there will be escorts taking residents up the road in the morning, and that you can call to have your name put on a list for this service. Offices open some time between 6 and 8 am.

These numbers might be good places to start:
Napa Police: 707-257-9223
CalFire Napa: 707-967-1400

Rest well, Soda Canyon Crazies!

Diane Shepp - Oct 10, 2017 11:40PM  Share #1629

Al hitched a ride with the County Sheriff today and returned to our home. He is sheltering in place and also providing a night

Anthony Arger - Oct 10, 2017 11:36PM  Share #1628

I'm with Glenn and Nikko at Glenns house right now.

Ozmens/Millers: I caught a ride up with a sheriff this morning and we were planning to go up to your driveway, but it was completely blocked by a power line. We are planning to leave to head back to Reno early tmrw morning and will do our best to get up to the property. Sadly, I do not have much hope based on what it looked like from the road. I am so so sorry.

Guggia/Chilton: I was looking to the right when we drove by and did not see your property either way. Will also check in the am.

Apallas: I could not see your house from Silverado trail, but the vineyards towards the SCR store were still intact. I am cautiously optimistic. Tragically, your in laws homes on lower SCR did not make it. I am so sorry.

Stull/Hoel: I will do my best to get up to your respective properties, but am not sure I will be able to given the length of the driveway and possibility for debris.

Shepp: Unsure at this time, but there were two crews on it all day and crews were leaving that (north) side of Foss Valley around 9pm, which is a good sign. Cautiously optimistic. Also, flames on north side of Foss Valley were steadily burning uphill, not down.

Hocker: Bill, I cut your lock and went down to your house around 3pm. Fire has made it into Rector, but very slowly (thankfully). I immediately went and grabbed a crew that was at the mailboxes and led them down to your house. Thankfully, they were not very concerned, as the fire is very slow moving down into the canyon and away from your house. They even commented that the way it was burning may actually be a good thing (all things considered) if it slowly burns the fuel. Nikko and I went and checked again around 1015pm and flames are visible in the canyon, but it is very cool, even cold, and very little wind. I again alerted a tanker situated at the mailboxes about your property and asked that they keep a close watch. Cautiously optimistic as long as the winds cooperate.

Others in Foss Valley: Homes below Shepps seem to be OK at this time. There are several crews in the area and seem to have a good handle on conditions.

Thoughts and prayers to all during this terrible ordeal.

Michelle Montgomery - Oct 10, 2017 11:09PM  Share #1627

We are watching Circle Oaks now. We made it through last night but now we are surrounded. Moscovite Corners is burning. Homes on Capell and in the highlands.
Ridgecrest Drive and Juniper Drive have fire above them. It doesn’t look good for us. It’s not over yet. Grateful for any or all prayers and positive energy.

Bill Hocker - Oct 10, 2017 10:42PM  Share #1626

Lauren Griffiths writes:
Barbara, your house looked untouched a few hours ago!

Barbara Guggia writes:
Glenn- Please be careful out there and thanks for keeping us posted. The lack of official information is so frustrating and I am so thankful we have this network of neighbors to keep the information flowing.
When you check out the Ozmen and Miller properties, could double check to make sure my house ( little brown house with the purple door)is still standing and my pump house (with the flag on it) looks intact. Thanks so much.
Stay safe,

Glenn Schreuder writes:
Hi Eren, consider it done, I'll look at first light.

Eren Ozmen writes:
We don't know yet if our house is ok or not. Anxiously waiting to find out.
It is the hardest thing not to know.
Praying for all of our neighbors and their safety.

Daniel Mufson - Oct 10, 2017 9:13PM  Share #1624

Dear Friends, it seems that we lost this round: we were told this afternoon our house is gone along with an amazing number of others in the Silverado neighborhood.
We left in a rush on Sunday night with Fiji, the computer and the clothes on our back.
We're staying with friend Fred on Wine Country Road.
Tomorrow we start again.
We hope that you all are faring well in these terrible moments.
Dan and Naoko

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 10, 2017 8:38PM  Share #1623

Chris just checked in.
“No visible sign of flames now [on Rector Plateau], so rest easy this evening”.
Thank God.
Wishing us all a peaceful night and for those in the unknown... Wishing you all the best possibilities and outcomes.

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 10, 2017 6:43PM  Share #1622

10/10/17 6:43pm

Bill Hocker - Oct 10, 2017 6:26PM  Share #1621

Shelle writes that "Chris just reported flames coming from the Haystack hill area" which corresponds to the latest fire map linked at the top.

Eren Ozmen - Oct 10, 2017 5:56PM  Share #1620

We don't know yet if our house is ok or not. Anxiously waiting to find out.
It is the hardest thing not to know.
Praying for all of our neighbors and their safety.

Yeoryios Apallas - Oct 10, 2017 5:33PM  Share #1619

When all this blows over we should have a refugee celebration to build community and love among us all SCR refugees. And embrace those that have lost so much. Did the Osmen Home survive? I hope for their sake that it did. What a beautiful home, as so many others that were lost to the fire. This experience tests and binds us all as citizens of this little valley. When the “curfew “ ends let me know if I can help with any issue (none too small). With great admiration and affection to you all. Yioryo.

Shelle Wolfe writes:
I will gladly put it together...
OMG this whole thing is so shocking and terrible.

David Hallett - Oct 10, 2017 5:09PM  Share #1618

Hi All. Lynne and I bailed out just minutes before the fire hit our home. On the way down our driveway Lynne saw the Caglarcan property in flames. The fire had reached the west bank of SC creek as we extracted Juanita Doran and Dorothy Basden

We are safe but house is destroyed. Our gardener sneaked up yesterday and today showed me three short cell phone videos.. the 2nd and third floors burnt and fell into the 1st floor foundation. The wall you can see is the only cmu part of the house. From the videos nothing looks salvageable.FFrom the photos it seems the fire came from above and below our house.
Amazing is the flower bed Eugenio and I planted on Saturday, maybe 40 ft below the house. All plants survived and the bark much seems undisturbed.
Stay safe dear friends and we will keep in touch via this chain.

Frank & Julie Husic - Oct 10, 2017 4:54PM  Share #1617

How are people getting up to see their properties off of Soda Canyon Road?
Sheriff and Police told me no one has access.
Is PG&E starting to go to houses that are still standing to check them?
Any advice appreciated.
Julie Husic

Michael Petrovsky writes:
Sheriff is escorting only one person to each residence for a 3 minute visit

David & Reyna Blasko - Oct 10, 2017 4:47PM  Share #1616

We own the home behind Nick and Maureen Vassos. I spoke to them yesterday morning and they were ok. I have been unable to reach them last evening or today. if you have any information regarding our home or the Vassos I would appreciate it. Any word about Chris Dern?

Lauren Griffiths - Oct 10, 2017 2:03PM  Share #1615

All, we will head down the hill shortly- just raking some dry leaves near the house.
Shelle, Anne , Yeoryious- i have you on my to do list.
There is some new smoke on the Atlas horizon across from us- see pic.
Animal control was just here- he indicated that they brought a caravan of 8 residents up awhile ago- does not know if that will continue. The caravan was at Trancas & Okd Soscal.

Diane Shepp - Oct 10, 2017 11:46AM  Share #1614

l tried to drive up the Hallett's driveway yesterday. All he saw was a rock wall. When I was driving out I didn't see the Hallet's home, only a wall. Not sure though. It looked like Relic was burned but also not sure. Most things look like they were bombed out. The Whites' home at end of Loma Vista is still there. White Rock totally destroyed.

Dayna Adams - Oct 10, 2017 11:21AM  Share #1613

Todd Adams headed up the hill around 6am today, if anyone has seen him, please notify me. He may be on foot.
I understand that we lost our house. Louann Best is requesting info about her home, if anyone knows anything.
For those who stayed behind, please be safe.

Chris Miller - Oct 10, 2017 11:17AM  Share #1611

Miller's survive

Sorry about the delayed response, Chris and Catherine are safe, as is our dog Iris. I am overwhelmed by the tragic fate of our neighbor Sally. If the power hadn't flickered and failed I wouldn't have gotten off the couch and noticed that the window to the south was filled with orange light. The flames poured over the crest from Atlas Peak and there was not time to do anything but grab the keys, the phone and the dog and get out of there. I'm sure Sally and her companion were similarly caught unaware, but too late(have to pause here and praise the battery backup system I installed recently for our automatic gate which saved critical time getting down the hill vs. panicked fumbling with a padlock and the gate arms get out). This thing was moving so fast. Many thanks to those who wrestled the fallen live oak off the road to allow our escape to continue. I'm scratching my head as to why Cal Fire's first vehicle up the road did not contain a chain saw, but now I know to keep one handy for the next frantic flight to safety. Wish I knew the name of the guy with the truck and the tow strap. He really tortured his truck to get some movement with the tree.

We have various reports or rumors regarding our property and house, so we honestly won't pretend to know anything until we can get there and see it for ourselves. I'm yearning for the chance but dreading it at the same time. To all those who have confirmed their loss, you have our complete sympathy. It would seem somewhat miraculous if our house is still standing. If anyone gets any information on the opening of Soda Canyon please share it.

Wishing everyone the best of luck and perseverance in recovering from this stunning experience.

Glenn Schreuder - Oct 10, 2017 10:32AM  Share #1609

I'm here at home 2882, Stockon is standing, Cowen's is standing, Chandlers (erskine) is standing, Antinori winery and home is standing. Beal (sawyer) is not.

Morton & Amy Friedkin - Oct 10, 2017 10:28AM  Share #1608

Amy and I are at sea (NE of Nova Scotia).
We have not been able to see any photos or report concerning our home.
Should there be any information, please forward to us.

Barbara Guggia - Oct 10, 2017 10:14AM  Share #1607

We are driving down from Seattle and just crossed the border into California. We will be staying at a motel until we can gain access to our property. This is just so damn sad.

Henni Cohen - Oct 10, 2017 9:48AM  Share #1606

We are safe.
We assume our house, and the rest of the houses on LV did not survive. But won't know until we get up there.
No cell phone reception, but get emails and texts.

Lauren Griffiths - Oct 10, 2017 9:19AM  Share #1605

It's a miracle that we were able to talk our way through the barricades. I don't think we'll be able to get back up until the evac order is lifted. Not a good place to be, actually. We won't be up here too long. The drive up is heartbreaking.

Richard Ehrenberger - Oct 10, 2017 9:08AM  Share #1604

Definitive info : Point Cottage and the ranch [Soda Springs Resort] are toast....worse yet our neighbor Sally Lewis and her caregiver perished in the early hours of the fire...possibly even before I tried to alert them....tried to call and text her and her daughter as soon as I learned of the impending holocaust.......
I'm still trying to find out if we get to the smoldering ruins....the fire must still be active Silverado and Trancas north.....

Good news is that some friends homes were spared....so far. There are whip lashes tho.

Reeling with shock over the lfieloss tragedy......

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 10, 2017 8:59AM  Share #1603

Morning update...

House next-door to mine [Adams] is gone as of this morning. Flames were held at my Fence line by firefighters and Chris and a friend of mine. Seems to be safe again for the moment.

Fire has not yet come into the Valley - spotty fires up on antica ridge Area.

Lauren and Dave and my friend drove up this morning. It took them quite a bit to get through all the barricades but they made it. Lauren and Dave have not been here through the fire so they needed to get to their house to get valuables etc. They will be headed back down shortly I believe.

Anyone heard from Glenn this morning? I think he was staying up there last night.

My friend Wayne just wrote and said fire stopped at my fence. We are secure for now.

Bill Hocker - Oct 10, 2017 8:33AM  Share #1602

Nikko Arger wrote:
Glenn is ok - talked to him this morning
He is checking on things.

Anthony wrote:
Thank you for the update Shelle. Nikko and I tried to get up there early this am, but were turned around. Thoughts and prayers for everyone still up there and all of our homes.

Shelle wrote:
Lauren and Dave are there. Went up this morning.

Bill Hocker - Oct 10, 2017 7:53AM  Share #1600

Kristine de Lorimier Dworkin just sent this email:

My parents and sister live on Loma Vista Drive. My parents -- Chuck and Bonnie de Lorimier live at 1040 Loma Vista Drive and my sister and her husband, Tracy and Jeff Foley live at 1025. Do you know anything about this area? They are up the opposite side of Loma Vista from where the White Rock Winery is located. In fact, I recognize a lot of the names you listed from the White Rock area. I knew Chris and Michael Vandendriessche when we were kids. I also babysat for the Leightons back when their kids were young -- we're talking the 1980's! I don't live in the area anymore so I've lost touch with neighbors. My family has evacuated and are currently in a hotel room in Fairfield but, we'd appreciate any information about their homes. Do you know anything at all? Please let me know if you can!

Amber Manfree - Oct 9, 2017 10:11PM  Share #1599

Thank you for all the news throughout today. Some of it not very good news, and my heart goes out to those who've lost houses. I am relieved to know everyone is ok.

Rich MacCabe stayed hunkered down at his place - we haven't heard from him since 3pm. He has a generator and fire hoses, and is probably ok. If anyone has a chance to check on him, we would appreciate news.

This is the best map product so far showing the extent of the Napa-Sonoma fires

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 9, 2017 9:45PM  Share #1598

Just heard from Chris... there was major fire approaching above his house but there were trucks and planes to help fight it off. Planes were 100 feet over his house. Said they couldn’t have done it without the planes.
Chris was out there providing them with water and power.
All clear for now he said. He’s going to bed. Exhausted.
Prayers for a better morning. Be safe everyone...

Amber Manfree - Oct 9, 2017 8:52PM  Share #1597

My grandmother is with me at Diana and Brannan's house in San Pablo. My mum drove herself and Atlas the dog to town recently and is staying with a friend.

Rich and Nora are still at home as far as anyone knows.

Glenn Schreuder - Oct 9, 2017 8:47PM  Share #1596

Just spoke to Chris and Karen Frassett above you Shelle. So far your place, their place, the argers, the griffiths, anne and meah, the Stevens and BentonS are all okay as of the time of this email. I'm at our house at 2882 and am safe, casey and devery stockon at 2929 are all okay. Glenn

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 9, 2017 8:10PM  Share #1595

Chris just reported that fire coming over the hill behind Lauren’s house. They have been out of town. Landing at SFO at 11 tonight but they’ve been texting me.

That would be Lauren, Anne, Chris and my house in the path. Then argers if it jumped.

Then up the Valley.

Diane Shepp - Oct 9, 2017 7:03PM  Share #1594

Al and I evacuated around 3pm. Most homes below Glenn's are gone with the exception of Cindy's. however the barn is gone. We hope our home will survive tonight. We are at Al's sisters in Brown Valley only her land line works...no internet or cell service anywhere in Napa; .wour phone here: 707-255-0754. Please let me know how you are. Antinori ridge line and some hills behind on fire at 3p. The Atlas Peak Road end of Foss Vally ON FIRE. The Stags Leap/Haystack ridge ON FIREl Please let me know if you are safe.

Anne Palotas - Oct 9, 2017 6:18PM  Share #1593

Are they allowing residents on the road?

Shelle Wolfe responds:
I forced myself in because of jack. But there were several firemen who suggested we not linger. They dropped a lot of the fire retardant around our area so hopefully that will help things.

Yeoryios responds:
We tried to go to our home at around 2 pm but no go. Got chickens and goats need water and food.

Shelle Wolfe - Oct 9, 2017 4:03PM  Share #1590


Just came down the hill. Picked up my dad finally. He was willing to leave.

Like a bomb scene going up the hill. Little fires burning everywhere. Trees and branches down all over the road. Many power lines down. The shells if homes smoldering. Burned out vehicles. Broken telephone poles. Soda Canyon Store was still there in spite of the rumors.

Most of the homes on the left side going up are gone until you get to Barbara's. Which Is still standing.

On the right it's a little sketchy, some of the houses are there, some not. The place with the sheep on the right side, is gone. Dead sheep out in the field. Horses in a field looking for help.

Now I'm going to write what I saw about our homes … And I'm just going to say it and I know that some of you will feel relief and others not.

Cindy's home is standing doesn't seem to be damaged. Her guest house is gone as well as is the pump house. Tree fallen in the driveway.

Draselle's house is gone. I'm so sorry Draselle. I'm so so sorry. Eds is gone also.

The side of the road where the Ozmens house is appears to be completely gone. The Disney barn is gone. But you cannot see up the driveway… So I don't know if the homes were spared but that whole side of the hill burned.

Going up the hill, the Hallet house appears to be there but I couldn't really tell, there's a lot of smoke around.

Glenn's house is still there and there is a lot of little grass still burning around the house. The house across the street from his is gone.

And then going up toward our homes... our valley is clean and pristine like nothing happened. No smoke no smell. But the firemen said the fire appears to be headed in our direction. We aren't safe yet.

Chris and Carrie Frasett seem to be dug in and staying.

I took photos but still can't send anything. No photos will do the damage justice. All cell towers down so no cell except in limited areas.

Sorry for such a sobering report... but I wanted to tell you what I saw. And I'm so deeply sorry for everyone who lost homes, animals and property.

It's not over yet.

Blessing to all...

Amber Manfree - Oct 9, 2017 7:28AM  Share #1592

Here's what I've heard so far:

No fire visible from my family's place (all of Foss Vly and Rector Plateau) as of 7am. Smoke to the south at upper Atlas Peak Rd. Wind from the north.

People who received the evac order and left were leaving last night.

Some people didn't get the news and stayed home. By some time after 1am people still in upper Soda Cyn could not leave.

People were watching flames from Antinori's vineyards last night at 1am.

My mom and grandma are safe at home. My mom refused to leave when I told her the area was being evacuated. I don't think she'll leave for anything. There is a pool, they will be ok.

If you are looking for someplace safe and can't get out, go to my family's place. It is relatively fire-proof and I'm sure my mom would like the company.

Rich MacCabe is safe, at home also.

Susan Adams evacuated and is safe.

If you have more news, especially about where fires in the complex are, please let me know.


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