"To insure that the intensity of winery activities is appropriately scaled, the County considers the remoteness of the location and the amount of wine to be produced at a facility when reviewing use permit proposals, and endeavors to ensure a direct relationship between access constraints and on-site marketing and visitation programs"
- Napa County Winery Definition Ordinance

33,000 sf of caves
100,000 gal/yr
22,000 people/yr
6 miles up a winding dead-end road

Mountain Peak Petition

Mountain Peak Winery Main Page
Fact Sheet
Our Concerns
Site Plans
Our Petition

MPV Petition to Napa Planning Commissioners and Supervisors

The undersigned Soda Canyon/Loma Vista area neighbors and other concerned citizens oppose Mountain Peak Winery proposed Use Permit # P13-00320-UP.

We feel strongly that approval of the use permit application for a 100,000 gallon winery would cause significant adverse impacts to our remote and rural neighborhood, including but not limited to, the health and safety of the residents and visitors, due to increased traffic from tens of thousands of winery visitors and accidents arising therefrom, an increased fire risk in a high fire danger area, an increase in noise levels, as well as significant environmental impacts, including but not limited to the probability of local groundwater pollution and depletion, disruption of local plant and animal species, and the possibility of disturbing archaeological sites including remains and remnants from Native American populations indigenous to Napa that spent summers on Atlas Peak . In addition to the increase in traffic resulting from winery employees and vendors, the proposed public tours, tastings, and industry marketing events are expected to bring tens of thousands of visitors to our quiet peaceful neighborhood each year. The site is located in a remote rural high fire danger area served by a single narrow, winding, dead-end road. We respectfully request that the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors protect our remote and rural neighborhood by denying the use permit requested by Mountain Peak Winery or at least imposing significant and meaningful restrictions on this project.

1. You can download and print our hardcopy petition here to have neighbors and friends sign and mail it to:
Protect Rural Napa
c/o Treasurer
P.O. Box 2385
Yountville, CA 94599

Or scan it and email the scanned image to info@protectruralnapa.org

2. Or you can sign online here:

Sign the Petition

Note that you must fill in all of the fields and have a Napa County address.

first name
last name
street address
, CA
confirm email

You will receive an email with a confirmation link. Please click on the link to verify your email address and to finalize your petition.

We currently have 909 signatures in the county.

152 Soda Canyon area petition signators as of 5/9/17

909 Napa County petition signators as of 5/9/17

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