Napa's 700 Wineries
Napa's 700 Wineries
Amber Manfree | Aug 11, 2015 on: Maps
The map below is not mine. It is a poster available on the internet. They might be using the free, open source dataset from David Thompson's Napa Wine Project website which lists 1,100+ commercial wine producers in Napa. Even Draselle's place is in their list, so a lot of that may be low-impact, small places that happen to have a permit.
The map below is not mine. It is a poster available on the internet. They might be using the free, open source dataset from David Thompson's Napa Wine Project website which lists 1,100+ commercial wine producers in Napa. Even Draselle's place is in their list, so a lot of that may be low-impact, small places that happen to have a permit.