SodaCanyonRoad | 63 winery events every day

63 winery events every day
Norma Tofanelli | Aug 10, 2015 on: Open Comments

Almost a month ago, APAC staff report for 7/13 revealed that 23,000 events have already been approved at wineries.
These are vested - cannot be reduced or taken away.

23,000 annual events:
= 63 per day
= 442 per week
= 1916 per month

And APAC is poised to offer a formula to approve yet more.

March 10 forum focus = issues with winery event centers and traffic.

I thought this was the most explosive data revealed yet by the county.
Yet I have not heard any concern, other than from Mike Hackett, from 2050 or the public in general.
No comment at APAC, no letters to editor, no comment at BoS meetings (other than Geoff)

Is there no concern? What is the strategy?
? ? ?


Mike Hackett adds:

It's the most disturbing fact to come out of the TPAC hearings ( tourism protection advisory committee) and I'm writing an LTE at this moment regarding this issue. I'm unable due to other mandatory appointments to attend this morning, so I'm hopeful that Geoff and others will bring this, once again, to the forefront.

It seems obvious that the impact of tourism is screwing life up for our residents, but the politicians want to maintain the same future growth. Sad but true.