Two-track winery definition
Two-track winery definition
Bill Hocker | Jul 1, 2015 on: The WDO
NVR: County looks at winery visitation formula
Two parallel efforts are currently ongoing in the attempt by the county to bring more rationality to the approval of new wineries going forward: 1. the APAC meetings, proposed by Planning Director Morrison at the Mar 10th joint BOS/Planning Commission meeting, are looking at proposals for revisions of the WDO and by extension the Napa County General Plan; and 2. an analysis of existing permitted capacity and visitation undertaken by Dir. Morrison to provide the Planning Commission with guidance in appropriate visitation numbers for proposed projects. Both efforts seem to be converging as Dir Morrison continues his analysis of this very public work-in-progress.
At APAC he has presented the committee with a framework, dubbed with sci-fi intrigue as Proposal X, for them to begin thinking about and discussing the numerous interrelated parameters involved in winery proposals. It gives proposed numbers for visitation based on winery capacity and location. And he has performed another bravura feat of number crunching on existing visitation to establish baseline visitation numbers for proposals as he thinks through the problem in the latest of the ongoing agenda letters to the planning commission.
NVR: County looks at winery visitation formula
Two parallel efforts are currently ongoing in the attempt by the county to bring more rationality to the approval of new wineries going forward: 1. the APAC meetings, proposed by Planning Director Morrison at the Mar 10th joint BOS/Planning Commission meeting, are looking at proposals for revisions of the WDO and by extension the Napa County General Plan; and 2. an analysis of existing permitted capacity and visitation undertaken by Dir. Morrison to provide the Planning Commission with guidance in appropriate visitation numbers for proposed projects. Both efforts seem to be converging as Dir Morrison continues his analysis of this very public work-in-progress.
At APAC he has presented the committee with a framework, dubbed with sci-fi intrigue as Proposal X, for them to begin thinking about and discussing the numerous interrelated parameters involved in winery proposals. It gives proposed numbers for visitation based on winery capacity and location. And he has performed another bravura feat of number crunching on existing visitation to establish baseline visitation numbers for proposals as he thinks through the problem in the latest of the ongoing agenda letters to the planning commission.