The Silver Rose
The Silver Rose
Bill Hocker | Jun 9, 2015 on: Calistoga & North Napa Co
Weekly Calistogan: Calistoga's Silver Rose project looks at 2017 opening
The 2 spas under development in Calistoga, the Silver Rose and Calistoga Hills, will add about 190 hotel rooms and 50 houses to the town. Well over 100 more cars moving up and down the valley each day, most adding to the traffic jams in St. Helena and the lineups at Jameson and American Canyons. Were those traffic impacts a part of the EIR's for the projects?
Weekly Calistogan: Calistoga's Silver Rose project looks at 2017 opening
The 2 spas under development in Calistoga, the Silver Rose and Calistoga Hills, will add about 190 hotel rooms and 50 houses to the town. Well over 100 more cars moving up and down the valley each day, most adding to the traffic jams in St. Helena and the lineups at Jameson and American Canyons. Were those traffic impacts a part of the EIR's for the projects?