You are invited to the community forum Mar 10th
You are invited to the community forum Mar 10th
Daniel Mufson | Mar 3, 2015 on: The WDO

Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission Joint Meeting to Discuss the Future of Napa County
Tuesday, March 10
9:45 am
Napa Valley Unified School District Auditorium
2425 Jefferson Street, Napa
The Napa County Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission are scheduled to host a joint meeting to discuss the future of Napa County at 9:45 am, Tuesday, March 10. Planning Director David Morrison will review the current environment within his department, including an analysis about development. Presentations of findings from the recent Napa County Traffic Study and the latest information about tourism in the County will also be presented.
The Napa Valley Unified School District is suspending its parking permit enforcement for the day; however, parking for this event is limited as school will be ongoing during this time. Please consider carpooling or finding alternative parking. You are strongly encouraged to attend.
We hope that you will recognize the importance of this event. Many citizens have been attending every Board of Supervisor and Planning Commission meeting since we started to fight one year ago and have become friends aligned in the fight to control this crazy growth in the county. As you know, we recently have held a series of organizational meetings and formed a coalition, Vision 2050, to jointly work to mandate the permanent sustainability of the finite resources of Napa County. We will be forming a Political Action Committee.
We met with some of the key grape growers and vintners to discuss how to jointly support limiting some of the outrageous growth. At this March 10 meeting we will be making some historic proposals you won’t want to miss.
It will strengthen our position if you and all your friends attend this meeting to show the Supervisors and Planning staff how unhappy you are with the current situation wherein they approve every vineyard and winery application with all sorts of variances. Your attendance will count as strongly as your votes in November.

Tuesday, March 10
9:45 am
Napa Valley Unified School District Auditorium
2425 Jefferson Street, Napa
The Napa County Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission are scheduled to host a joint meeting to discuss the future of Napa County at 9:45 am, Tuesday, March 10. Planning Director David Morrison will review the current environment within his department, including an analysis about development. Presentations of findings from the recent Napa County Traffic Study and the latest information about tourism in the County will also be presented.
The Napa Valley Unified School District is suspending its parking permit enforcement for the day; however, parking for this event is limited as school will be ongoing during this time. Please consider carpooling or finding alternative parking. You are strongly encouraged to attend.
We hope that you will recognize the importance of this event. Many citizens have been attending every Board of Supervisor and Planning Commission meeting since we started to fight one year ago and have become friends aligned in the fight to control this crazy growth in the county. As you know, we recently have held a series of organizational meetings and formed a coalition, Vision 2050, to jointly work to mandate the permanent sustainability of the finite resources of Napa County. We will be forming a Political Action Committee.
We met with some of the key grape growers and vintners to discuss how to jointly support limiting some of the outrageous growth. At this March 10 meeting we will be making some historic proposals you won’t want to miss.
It will strengthen our position if you and all your friends attend this meeting to show the Supervisors and Planning staff how unhappy you are with the current situation wherein they approve every vineyard and winery application with all sorts of variances. Your attendance will count as strongly as your votes in November.