SodaCanyonRoad | Grand Coalition and Farm Bureau

Grand Coalition and Farm Bureau
| Feb 6, 2015 on: Napa Vision 2050

Good afternoon everyone,

As the Chairman of Save Rural Angwin, and a participant and advocate of the Grand Coalition, I met today with Cio Perez, Committee Chair regarding Land Use Issues of the Napa Farm Bureau, who is filling the large void created with the passing of Volker Eisele. Volker was on the SRA Steering Committee and held all the power positions at the Farm Bureau over the years. SRA has been supported, in every way, by the Farm Bureau, and this important connection must be maintained.

Along with the Vintners, the Grape Growers, Land Trust, Sierra Club, etc. the Farm Bureau is a voice of reason and restraint, and a powerful and influential group. Much like the Grand Coalition, they are defining their next step in regards to the same issues we are tackling in Angwin, Yountville, Dry Creek Road, Soda Canyon Road, Walts Ranch and Calistoga, etc. etc. These issues of inappropriate watershed destruction and winery expansions that border on entertainment centers are central to their concerns much the same as the Coalition's.

Cio has, and continues to lead through example. His passion for maintaining the watershed in Napa County is unsurpassed. Cio and I agreed that without the watershed, there will be no wine industry. And for that reason alone, we must all get on board the train that will establish new visions for what is appropriate and what is not. Protecting watershed is in NO WAY in opposition to farms, ag land protection or vineyards or open space. They are, in fact critically aligned.

Just like the Grand Coalition, the Farm Bureau needs some time to define their strategies and to examine all the facts. I believe we will soon see the day when the Grand Coalition will be in step with the Farm Bureau's position. In my opinion, they will be our staunchest ally. And we need to give them time to tackle these issues and offer their recommendations.

I urge each contributor of the Grand Coalition to establish a visit with Cio. He is open to opinions, both dark and light, and having the support of the F.B. as we roll out our own mission and strategies, is an imperative we cannot overlook.

Thank you all.

Mike Hackett
Chair of Save Rural Angwin


Allen Spence adds:

It seems that we are totally supportive of wineries and vineyard but opposed to over developing both Winery Entertainment Centers and Water consuming Vineyards when we are blind to the critical tipping point of too much.