Geoff Ellsworth's Map of Potential Wineries
Geoff Ellsworth's Map of Potential Wineries
Bill Hocker | Apr 21, 2015 on: Maps
Update 5/4/21
Kelli Anderson sent over an email from her archives in which Planning Director Morrison supplied a map from 2015 of legally potential winery development in the County, a worst case scenario that should have been analyzed in an EIR at the time of the WDO in 1990 or with the General Plan EIR in 2007.

On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 4:56 PM Morrison, David wrote:
Original Post 10/2/14
Map commissioned by Geoff Ellsworth to show the potential number of wineries that could be developed given existing county codes prior to the county's own tabulation..

Update 5/4/21
Kelli Anderson sent over an email from her archives in which Planning Director Morrison supplied a map from 2015 of legally potential winery development in the County, a worst case scenario that should have been analyzed in an EIR at the time of the WDO in 1990 or with the General Plan EIR in 2007.

On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 4:56 PM Morrison, David
- Kellie,
During the Joint Board of Supervisors/Planning Commission meeting on March 10, 2015, the slide provided below was included in my presentation:
The estimate provided was based on GIS analysis performed by County staff. It looked at all existing parcels (in 2015) that met the following criteria:
· Unincorporated area;
· No existing on-site winery;
· A minimum of 10 acres in size for parcels zoned AW or AP; or all parcels without a winery zoned I, IP, or GI; and
· Excluded conservation easements, protected lands, and water bodies.
No other factors were considered such as traffic, fire, biological resources, water availability, slope, earthquake faults, utilities, etc.
Of course, the County could not approve 4,523 new wineries. The current General Plan Program EIR only analyzed a total of 225 new wineries between 2005 and 2030. To date, 138 new wineries have been approved since January 1, 2005. To allow more than 225 new wineries would likely require a new Program EIR.
Original Post 10/2/14
Map commissioned by Geoff Ellsworth to show the potential number of wineries that could be developed given existing county codes prior to the county's own tabulation..