Notes presented to Napa County Board of Supervisors 8/19/14
Notes presented to Napa County Board of Supervisors 8/19/14
Daniel Mufson | Aug 21, 2014 on: Open Comments
From Berryessa Estates in the east to Mt. Veeder in the west, serious signs of water depletion have descended upon us. We are in an exceptional drought. It is past time for all citizens of this county to sit together to plan for our collective water security.
Certainly we have had county leaders who were exceptional stewards of the our land—they fought to give us the Ag Preserve, the WDO and other initiatives that have made our county the envy of many. But, I’m afraid we’re loosing control as we have transitioned from family farms to mega corporate businesses with headquarters in TX, NY, Europe and Asia.
I support the idea of performing a comprehensive cumulative analysis of the state of our environment. Given the extreme drought in our state and county, and the recent analysis of the Napa Register Editorial Board, regarding “how little we really know of how the wine industry is working and affecting life in Napa County”:
I request you declare a state of emergency and a moratorium on ANY more winery permits, even those in the hopper, until this analysis is ready.
From Berryessa Estates in the east to Mt. Veeder in the west, serious signs of water depletion have descended upon us. We are in an exceptional drought. It is past time for all citizens of this county to sit together to plan for our collective water security.
Certainly we have had county leaders who were exceptional stewards of the our land—they fought to give us the Ag Preserve, the WDO and other initiatives that have made our county the envy of many. But, I’m afraid we’re loosing control as we have transitioned from family farms to mega corporate businesses with headquarters in TX, NY, Europe and Asia.
I support the idea of performing a comprehensive cumulative analysis of the state of our environment. Given the extreme drought in our state and county, and the recent analysis of the Napa Register Editorial Board, regarding “how little we really know of how the wine industry is working and affecting life in Napa County”:
I request you declare a state of emergency and a moratorium on ANY more winery permits, even those in the hopper, until this analysis is ready.