SodaCanyonRoad | Walt Ranch EIR

Walt Ranch EIR
Gary Margadant | Jul 23, 2014 on: Walt Ranch

The Walt Ranch Draft EIR has been published and is open for comment until Aug 25. This is a very large vineyard development of approximately 356 net acres of new vineyard within 507 gross acres of disturbance on a 2,300 acre property. I understand that they plan 3 reservoirs of 40 acre-feet each (120af total or 39,000,000 gallons). Water is going to be a big issue, but comment is over before the new WAA is out from the Public Works Dept.

I am participating in a team for comment on the EIR.
Let me know if you are interested in commenting.

Here is the County's Walt Ranch Draft EIR page.

Regards, Gary