The fairy tale of eternal economic growth
The fairy tale of eternal economic growth
Bill Hocker | Jul 18, 2022 on: Growth Issues
NYTimes Magazine 7/17/22: This Pioneering Economist Says Our Obsession With Growth Must End
As can be seen on my intro to this "Growth Issues" page (including the quotes from the UN and Greta Thunberg), I fully agree with the position Mr. Daly takes. However, I was a bit disappointed that the interviewer insisted on bringing out Mr. Daly's religious beliefs -- that there is a creator and that there is an ultimate end that the creator had in mind. It only seems to discredit his arguments. If the end is pre-ordained what would be the point in pursuing one end or another for polluters, environmentalists or economists. Religious belief may offer psychological help to deal with the nasty chaos that is human life on earth, but our environmental catastrophe is a human-made problem needing human-made solutions. Introducing a divine component really is a distraction.
NYTimes Magazine 7/17/22: This Pioneering Economist Says Our Obsession With Growth Must End
As can be seen on my intro to this "Growth Issues" page (including the quotes from the UN and Greta Thunberg), I fully agree with the position Mr. Daly takes. However, I was a bit disappointed that the interviewer insisted on bringing out Mr. Daly's religious beliefs -- that there is a creator and that there is an ultimate end that the creator had in mind. It only seems to discredit his arguments. If the end is pre-ordained what would be the point in pursuing one end or another for polluters, environmentalists or economists. Religious belief may offer psychological help to deal with the nasty chaos that is human life on earth, but our environmental catastrophe is a human-made problem needing human-made solutions. Introducing a divine component really is a distraction.