SodaCanyonRoad | Arguments against Measure D are wrong

Arguments against Measure D are wrong
Patricia Damery | Apr 21, 2018 on: Heliport Initiative 2018

I want to express my outrage and disappointment in State Sen. Bill Dodd

Bill Hocker - Apr 21, 2018 9:30AM

At the end of this LTE in the Register the editor adds a note with a response from Bill Dodd:

Editor's note: The Register asked Bill Dodd about the issues raised by the author. He said his legislative schedule has made it difficult to accept invitations to speak on this initiative. He said his opposition to Measure D, and also to Measure C, relates to possible unintended consequences, which would be difficult to fix if the legislation is enacted by ballot initiative. The people and supervisors of Napa County, he said, "are perfectly capable of handling these issues" without resorting to initiatives.

By "the people", if in fact Sen. Dodd used the expression, it can be assumed that he didn't mean the 7000 individuals that signed the initiative petition or any of the individuals that might vote for the initiative. One suspects that "the people" in this case represents the monied interests in the county, some of whom contribute to his campaign (like Christian Palmaz), "people" that are used to having the Supervisors make development decisions in their favor without the interference of pesky voters.