SodaCanyonRoad | Soda Canyon Firewise

Soda Canyon Firewise
Henni Cohen | May 5, 2014 on: Fire Issues

Soda Canyon/Loma Vista residents are invited to attend the Atlas Peak Firesafe Council meeting on Tuesday May 13. See attached flyer for details.

See what our close neighborhood council has done and is doing. A great opportunity for new ideas for our council and to meet the members of the Atlas Peak council.

We had a terrific turnout on Sunday, April 27, for our BBQ and to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Soday Canyon Fire Station. It was fun to meet residents from both ends of Soda Canyon and from Loma Vista.

If you would like to contribute to the 50th anniversary fund for the Fire Station, you can send a contribution to me, Henni Cohen, 1044 Loma Vista Dr., 94558. Checks should be made out to "Soda Canyon Volunteer Fire Department". They are currently raising funds for improvements to the station building and they need 2 twin bed mattresses and a desk.

If you have neighbors who are not on the Call-'em-All list, have them contact Sue Farrell at: 707-246-0547 or

Henni Cohen
Soda Canyon/Loma Vista Firesafe Council

more information is here