SodaCanyonRoad | Unlike Napa, St Helena sees STR dangers (sorta)

Unlike Napa, St Helena sees STR dangers (sorta)
Bill Hocker | Nov 23, 2015 on: St. Helena

NVR 11/23/15: St. Helena commission backs overhaul of short-term rental ordinance

On rereading the conditions to be imposed, the obvious loophole jumps out: the rental operator must "at least live in St. Helena". Meaning that any investor can begin amassing a portfolio of STR properties and as long as they have a St Helena address they are within the ordinance. This will do little to stem the conversion of homes into STR's. The condition needs to require that the operator live on the premises that has the rental - that is one rental opportunity per resident of the town, otherwise consolidation will occur until a handful of operators manage all of the rentals.

More links on Napa short term rentals here