SodaCanyonRoad | MVSC Letters Supporting the Woolls Ranch Appeal

MVSC Letters Supporting the Woolls Ranch Appeal
Gary Margadant | Oct 19, 2014 on: Mount Veeder

Here are our 3 letters from our Mt Veeder Group about Woolls

Leslie wrote a great piece of research on the WAA, both the DRAFT and the Final. This is worth the read. She backed it up with research papers that are not in this attachment, but a reading will give you a good idea of the investigations that developed the positions.
This was new to the county and gave them pause. The Letter is here.

Another letter covers a series of topics we often use to review these projects.
I wrote a Sustainability Letter emphasizing the Arsenic and Boron problems and the amount of time between the analysis and the recognition of a problem. The letter is here

Our third letter covering a range of issues with the project is here.

The sustainability and the WAA Review were submitted at the close of comment on Wednesday, 10/15. BUT they did not appear in the documents on the BOS Agenda. Don't know why. The BOS Agenda letter is here

See you on tuesday. There will be much drama. The BOS agenda page is here