SodaCanyonRoad | Measure D: Apocalypse averted!

Measure D: Apocalypse averted!
Bill Hocker | Jun 6, 2018 on: Heliport Initiative 2018

According to Ballotpedia Measure D, the initiative to prevent private use heliports in Napa County, has been approved by 61% to 39%. George Caloyannidis now has now saved the serenity of the Valley two times.

Bill Hocker - Jun 6, 2018 3:39AM

The Genesee Friends, a group of residents that has been fighting another Palmaz Heliport in Plumas County (already approved but being challenged with a CEQA lawsuit) sent out this notice to their supporters:

Dear Genesee Friends,

Napa County voters yesterday voted (61%) to "amend its municipal code to prohibit personal use of airports and heliports and to place restrictions on helicopter takeoff and landing times.

Ballotpedia Summary of Measure D

The vote is a significant signal to the owners of Genesee Valley Ranch LLC (limited liability corporation) who contributed more than $126,000 to defeat Yes on Prop. D.

It should also be a signal to Plumas County voters and their elected officials who (with the exception of one supervisor) have helped the owners of the GVR to build their airport (as a barn/storage building) in a place where airports were specifically prohibited by the Plumas County General Plan, and who, represented by Palmaz' lawyers continue to attempt to block local efforts to appeal the Planning Director's decision to allow private heliports/airports on ANY lands zoned agriculture, without environmental review processes or public input.

Let's celebrate with Napa and be encouraged!

Genesee Friends.