SodaCanyonRoad | What is Happening to Our Most Precious and Irreplaceable Resource: Our Water

What is Happening to Our Most Precious and Irreplaceable Resource: Our Water
Gary Margadant | Feb 13, 2017 on: Napa Vision 2050

Editor: This interesting read researched and written by Gary Margadant and Elaine de Man describes why we need to think carefully about Napa County's alternative plan for groundwater management. In the next days we will post some of the public comments on the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act alternative submitted by our Board of Supervisors to the California Department of Water Resources. It is critically important that citizens become aware of the stakes involved to our future water supply.

The number of wineries in the Napa Valley has more than doubled over the last twenty years

From the Water Balance charts in the NV Basin Plan.