False choices (updated)
on the web at: https://sodacanyonroad.org/forum.php?p=971
Bill Hocker | Oct 9, 2015

Update 10/7/15: In several recent editorials in the Napa Valley Register from Bill Ryan and Stuart Smith and Terry Pilch, a line of argument has been advanced that if tourism at wineries is not supported that the wine industry will die and housing projects will ensue. (now including Dario Sattui's letter above.)

They have engendered rebuttals:
Jeff Roberts LTE: 'Trust' alone will not protect the valley
Richard Cannon LTE: Letter Presented a false choice.
George Caloyinaddis LTE: Grandstanding on agricultural sustainablity
My own long winded response to the Fradelizio and similar letters is here.


Richard Cannon LTE: We are floating on a sea of denial
Mr. Cannon responds to brewery owner Michael Fradelizio's LTE Do you prefer ag or development? which was a response to environmentalist Mike Hackett's LTE Napa Valley: From purists to tourists

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