Interesting data from BOS on Trail closings
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Norma Tofanelli | Feb 2, 2015

Trail closing data

Item 6D - NV Marathon is an old one but closing the roads increasingly a problem for locals also.


Gary Margadant adds;

Interesting piece of information. 5 of the 13 events on Silverado Trail close the road, pushing all the traffic over to 29. The other 8 will disturb the traffic. Mark you calendars for dates to avoid the Trail.

And then there is the question of other road closures. I note that the script across the document top indicates that this doc is only for Silverado Trail. To discover the full impact of Road Events we need to ask Steve Lederer or his deputy Director (Roads), Rick Marshall, for information/copies pertaining to other road events in NC.

I tried searching the County Web Site for this information, but it was not available via a google search.


Norma Tofanelli adds:

Yes - very interesting.

Now the roads are tourist commercial....

Another good piece of data and good visual, I think, would be another column to the Yountville Hill winery application spreadsheet - what they asked for vs what PC gave - bet they are the same.
Don't think they've denied or knocked down any numbers?

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