Jim Wilson | Jan 28, 2015Some brief notes for you from yesterday's meeting. Supervisors were talking about what they'd like to see on the agenda.
BOS will continue to meet in S. Napa Campus until May 5 when they return to 3rd St chamber.
Mark - ECP draft EIRs need to go out earlier so applicant can know public concerns earlier, and decide earlier on whether to move forward w project. Need a timeline to pace project thru faster. It's in everyone's interest.
Diane- I foresee Mar 10 PC/BOS joint meeting not to answer Qs but corraling what the issues are
Keith- We need to keep our agenda current and relevant - some older issues dating back to 2012 keep getting moved back... if 3/5 supervisors feel it's current then it doenst fall off and we can plan on staff time.
Brad- I like annual review of a new ordinance or revised ordinance, such as the Landmark Preservation Ordinance. See if it's doing what it's supposed to be doing?
Diane and Keith- ditto, let's agendize this type of review once or twice a year
Alfredo- March 10 will dictate what we'll be talking about.
Keith- Our Legislative Committee can write letters of support to legislative bodies..
Keith - The public's against winery development. A facility mitigation fee or road mitigation fee might be worth considering.
There was also mention of a review of the appeal process....
I had a brief chat w David Morrison during break.... learned he led the CAP [Climate Action Plan] for Yolo Co, He's just hired two senior planners, hopes to put one on CAP starting now in 2Q. He sounded well versed in what other US entities are doing w CAP. He also mentioned China and India carbon pollution in the context of "what can little Napa do" (not his words, my take-away) and it struck me as the same logic the State Dept used in recommending approval of KXL: tar sands are going to get to market anyway so what's the difference if we approve it ... Of course that logic has polluting industry hand in the report of environmental impacts. David also referred to the "hyperbole" used in describing climate disruption. I think we owe it to ourselves to meet with him and the supervisors to press the old cause of thinking global, acting local and let them know they have our support in taking steps to drastically reduce our carbon pollution. At least put down the chain saws while we come to an understanding of our current situation.