Henni Cohen | Jan 22, 2014Greetings, Soda Canyon/Loma Vista Neighbors
As you may have already noticed, work to continue what we started last year clearing brush, trimming up trees, and separating the tree canopy overhangs (tree "tunnels") on both sides of Soda Canyon Road using the CalFire Delta Cew is underway.
The Soda Canyon (SC) Firewise Council obtained an $8,000 grant from the Napa Communities Fiewise Foundation to finish the work started last year on both Soda Canyon Road and Linda Vista Drive. The Napa County Public Works Department is also graciously providing one of their crews (at no charge to us) to assist in this effort with traffic control, chipping, and hauling, and, we've been promised, a bucket truck and crew to help with the tree trimming.
The Delta Crew started working on Tuesday morning, January 21, and is expected to finish up by Friday, February 7. They will be working from about 10 AM to 3 PM on week days so you can expect some delays if you're driving on these two roads. The work started at 2210 Soda Canyon Road (about 3.4 miles up from the Silverado Trail) on the right hand side of the road and will proceed up to the end of the paved county road and then go back down on the opposite side of the road to where they started just about a half mile south of the SC Fire House.
Then they will proceed to Loma vista Drive and work on both sides of the last half mile of the paved county road starting just past the last 90 degree left turn at the narrowest part of the road. If they have time, they will then go back to Soda Canyon Road to work on thinning out/ breaking up the tree "tunnels" on the first 3 or so miles of the road.
Due to the upcoming Red Flag Warning starting at 10 PM tonight and ending by 3 PM on Thursday, it was decided to not have the Delta Crew work then in order to avoid any possibility of their work starting a wildfire.
The SC Firewise Council would like to thank you all for your patience and understanding while the Delta Crew does its important wildfire mitigation work to create fuel breaks along these roads and make them safer for evacuation during a wildfire emergency.
Please pass this information along to your neighbors, friends, and family in our SC Firewise Community.
P. S. - Hopefully, you've also noted our Firewise road signs letting people know we're involved in improving wildland fire safety in our neighborhood.