Yountville Hill Update
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Mary Ann Moffitt | Sep 25, 2014

Dear Supporter,

We want to keep you informed of recent developments related to our continuing efforts to advance our appeal to the Board of Supervisors to rescind the approval of the Yountville Hill Winery project.

- Save Yountville Hill is continuing to advance its appeal to the Board of Supervisors, understanding that Staff will be recommending that the hearing be continued until December 2, 2014.

- Save Yountville Hill has agreed to support Staff's recommendation for a continuance, particularly in light of the recent earthquake.

- The Applicant has asked Save Yountville Hill to participate in confidential mediation to discuss possible changes to the Project that could address the issues raised in our appeal.

- Save Yountville Hill is, and always has been, open to discussing a significantly scaled-down project that would address the Appellants’ concerns, and we are exploring the possibility of mediation with the Applicant.

- To date, the Applicant has not yet presented any specific scaled-down proposals.

- Unless and until the Applicant agrees to make changes to the project that address our concerns, Save Yountville Hill will continue to pursue the appeal to conclusion.

We believe we will succeed in our appeal, and that the Board of Supervisors will recognize that the County cannot lawfully approve the current project.

Thank you for your continued support of Save Yountville Hill's efforts to rescind the Planning Commission's approval of the Yountville Hill Winery project in favor of allowing the applicant to bring forward an appropriately scaled use that is in keeping with the intent and letter of Napa County’s General Plan and zoning ordinances. Please feel free to reply to this email with any questions or concerns.

Save Yountville Hill

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