Thank you from Yountville Hill
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Mary Ann Moffitt | Sep 8, 2014

Dear Supporter,

Thank you for your support in the effort to stop the Yountville Hill Winery from being approved by the Napa County Planning Commission. By signing the Save Yountville Hill petition, you – and nearly 700 other concerned individuals – urged the Commissioners to deny the approval of Yountville Hill Winery. Unfortunately, the Planning Commission approved the use permit in a controversial 3 to 1 vote on July 2, 2014.

Save Yountville Hill (SYH) was immediately formed to appeal this decision to the Board of Supervisors.

The primary arguments for the appeal are as follows:
  • The Yountville Hill Winery project does not belong in the Agricultural Preserve.
  • It is inconsistent with Napa County’s Winery Definition Ordinance (WDO) and General Plan.
  • It violates:

    • The Napa County Viewshed Protection Ordinance
    • Napa County’s mandatory conservation regulations
    • The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

  • The Variances approved by the planning commission are not supported by substantial evidence and the approval should be overturned.

SYH’s appeal was granted in August and a hearing originally scheduled for October. Because of the extraordinary circumstances created in the aftermath of the earthquake, the project hearing is delayed and will now come before the Board of Supervisors on December 2.

We ask that you continue your support and tell your Supervisor that you oppose the Yountville Hill Winery [Supervisor information here]. Please visit our updated website for complete information on the project: And if you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to email us at

We cannot succeed without your help. Your efforts are critical to the future of Yountville Hill, the Ag Preserve, and the Napa Valley as a whole. Call or email your Supervisor today and let your voice be heard loud and clear – NO to Yountville Hill Winery.

Thank you again for your support!

Sincerely yours,

Save Yountville Hill

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