Commissioner Phillips General Plan Evaluation
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Carl Bunch | Jul 23, 2014

[email exchange with Planning Comissioner Heather Phillips]

Dear Ms. Phillips,

I attended yesterday's Planning Commission meeting at which you set forth your opinion and position respecting the necessity that the County Planning Department needs to review and analyze existing data pertaining to the subject of applications for winery use permits in terms of their cumulative impacts on the lives and lifestyles of the general public in the Napa Valley.

It is now abundantly clear that the proliferation of vineyards, wineries and winery events here in the Valley has had an enormous impact on our roads and highways, the services that our government provides on behalf of these activities and to our fellow citizens as well. Changes to the rules and regulations governing these activities and their impacts should be thoroughly scrutinized and modified where necessary and appropriate. This, it seems to me, must include a review of the current Winery Definition Ordinance and its interpretations and applications.

I should appreciate it very much if you would be kind enough to send me (by email or letter) a copy of the list to which you referred in your public presentation of the subjects which you believe to be appropriate for review, analysis and consideration with respect to the activities relating to, and resulting in, the Planning Department's (and Commission's) determinations regarding applications for winery use permits.

Thank you for your courtesies.

Carl Bunch


From: Heather Phillips
To: Carl Bunch
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: Planning Commission meeting: July 16

Hello Carl,

Thank you for taking the time to come to the last Planning Commission meeting. I am always impressed when members of the public attend. We are there as we accepted the appointment and receive a stipend, and I'm not sure there is sometimes an appreciation of how much it means for members of the public to take time from family, jobs and daily life to do so.

Attached you will find the document I referenced. It wasn't intended to be an "official" document, rather some rough thoughts that I wanted to pass along as I am beginning to grow frustrated with the urgency with which analysis regarding cumulative impacts is being approached.

After you review, please feel free to email me any questions, or perhaps meet for coffee to discuss our mutual concerns.


Heather Phillips

Heather Phillips General Plan evaluation statement, July 2014.pdf

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