Henni Cohen | Apr 17, 2014Greetings, Soda Canyon/Loma Vista Neighbors:
Just a friendly reminder as a follow up to the flyer we recently mailed you. You and your neighbors are invited to the
Soda Canyon/Loma Vista Firewise Day and Bar-B-Q to be held on Sunday, April 27 from 3:00 - 6:00 PM at the Soda Canyon Volunteer Fire Station No. 13. The Bar-B-Q will be served starting at 4:00 PM. So if you plan to be there for the Bar-B-Q,
please RSVP to Penny Mallen at p.mallen@me.com or 255-7556 by Thursday, April 24 and be sure to let her know how many people will be attending.
Please refer to the attached flyer for more details. And let your neighbors know about this important and informative event regarding wildfire safety as our mailing and email lists are not complete. SPREAD THE WORD!!!
We look forward to seeing you there.
Your neighbors/members of the Soda Canyon/Loma Vista Firesafe Council,
Henni Cohen, Chair Rick Thornberry, Napa Firewise Foundation Liaison
Soda Canyon/Loma Vista Firesafe Council