Henni Cohen | Nov 12, 2015The Napa Firewise Foundation received this notice about an upcoming presentation. We, the Soda Canyon Firesafe Council, are forwarding it for your information. This should be an excellent presentation. Please share the information. Sieben is the author of "The Homeowner's Guide to Wildfire Prevention."
Robert Sieben, MD, will present a video presentation of techniques homeowners can use to protect their homes from wildfire at 3-5 p.m. November 14th, at the Montclair branch of the Oakland public library at 1687 Mountain Blvd, off the Thornhill exit from Highway 13.
Don't choose to lose your home to wildfire!
There's a lot you and your neighbors can do, starting right now, to enable your homes to stand on their own when a major windblown wildfire overwhelms firefighters and forces you to evacuate. No one else is going to make your property fire safe for you. You own the fire ignition zone, and therefore you own the fire. Nationwide, when firefighters are called upon to put out fires in the wildland-urban interface, they spend 70 percent of their time doing what property owners should have already done.
Although there have been many fires in the Oakland hills over the past several years, suppressed quickly by the fire department, none has occurred when the dry Mt. Diablo winds were blowing strongly. The inspections themselves are limited in scope-e. g. they do not cover the structure itself, which is far more likely to be ignited by embers than by the fire front. We remain at extreme risk.
You can start your fire prevention right now because the fall rains provide an opportunity to cut back dense shrubs and dead limbs with no danger of ignition. The expected el nino will lead to robust growth of undesirable shrubs and annual grasses that will have to be taken care of early and often.
The costs of suppressing a record number of wildfires has devastated the funds set aside for fire prevention. You can help make up for this by taking responsibility for your own property at your own expense. Learn more at wildfireprevention.info.
FC Dwight Good
Fire Marshal
17575 Peak Ave.
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Office: (408) 310-4654
visit us at: www.