SCR Mid-April 2015 Update
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Bill Hocker | Apr 20, 2015

Mid-April 2015 Update

Things are happening so fast that one email blast a month is no longer enough.

The Caves Update
On April 1st the bootlegged 4th portal and ridgeline picnic areas constructed at the Caves of Soda Canyon winery were reviewed by the County Planning Commission but no decision was made. The "very minor" modification application was sent back to the planning staff although it was not clear what they would do differently. Planning Commissioners and planners were unwilling to call this an intentional deception on the part of the developer. Now a letter from the former neighbor of the property has been received by the Supervisors indicating that from the beginning the intention was to illegally build the 4th portal. We shall see how the planners and the Commissioners handle this in the next review probably at one of the May meetings.

Relic Update
In case you didn't receive Amber Manfree's email: for those of you who sent a protest letter against the granting of the Relic alcohol license last fall - you should have received a letter from the ABC (State Alcohol Beverage Control). Even if you don't wish to speak, please sign and return the form. Then let Amber or David Hallett know that you wish to have someone else speak on your behalf. No hearing on the issue has yet been announced, but we will let you know when it is.

Sat, April 25th: Earth Day in Napa
Protect Rural Napa will have a booth at Napa's Earth Day downtown.
Please come by to show support or just to have a good time.
It goes from 10:00am to 3:00pm
More Info is here

Also we need volunteers to help staff the PRN booth. If you would like to sign up for a 2 hour shift, 9:00-11:00, 11:00-1:00 or 1:00-3:00 contact Cindy Grupp

Mon, Apr 27th: APAC meeting #2
The meetings of the Agricultural Protection Advisory Committee began on Apr13th. Reports on that meeting are here. They will continue for the next 5 months or so. These meetings will change the definition of a winery and may (or may not) have an impact on the winery event centers that will be proposed on Soda Canyon Road, including Mountiain Peak, in the coming years. The meetings are an opportunity to influence the future of Soda Canyon Road and the rural way of life that currently exists in Napa County. They are public, and you are encouraged to attend.

While we hope that our negotiators continue to push for a moratorium on all new wineries in the county, the agenda topic for this meeting is the minimum parcel size to be allowed for future wineries. Currently at 10 acres, possible considerations are an increase to 40 acres on the valley floor and 160 acres in the watersheds.

The location is 2741 Napa Valley Corporate Drive, Building 2

Sun, May 31st: Soda Canyon Road Potluck Picnic

You are invited!