Save Rural Angwin Feb-Apr Quarterly Update
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| May 14, 2015

Save Rural Angwin publishes a quarterly update on the progress of development issues there, and now as a member of Napa Vision 2050, focusing on development issues throughout the county. The Feb14- Apr15 update is here.

The update index is here


Chris Malan adds:

Volker's vision was ag/watershed preservation….. for vines….to prevent houses in rural watersheds-I am not thrilled about this mantra-I want to see watershed protection zoning for the public health safety and welfare

Lot line adjustments is the preamble to housing developments-once the contractors get this it is the green light from the lead agency that the developer the beginnings of an understood development agreement hence he is vested and can give him a powerful legal position that the city agrees with the plan for 191 houses

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