Geoff Ellsworth for St Helena City Council (updated)
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Bill Hocker | Nov 4, 2016

St Helena Star 10/1/16: Candidate profile: Geoff Ellsworth

At each public governmental meeting Geoff Ellsworth gets up to defend the interests of the county's residents and restate the reality that city and county officials don't acknowledge with each new project they approve: the rural, small-town character that makes Napa County a special place for residents and visitors alike is being urbanized into extinction through their actions, one "less-than-significant" project at a time.

Over the last three years he has shown the courage and the stamina needed to represent residents' interests against the tourism, real estate, and construction industries and their government promoters pushing a development agenda in St. Helena and the county. That agenda has already led to traffic congestion, the loss of affordible housing and local businesses, the commercialization of residential neighborhoods, increased bond and tax requests for infrastructure upgrades, the deforestation of hillsides and increased pressure on water resources. Many projects have already been approved but their impacts not yet been realized. Many more projects will be proposed in the coming years. Residents need an elected voice to counter the onslaught of urban development threatening the character of their communities. Geoff Ellsworth will be that voice.

The Geoff Ellsworth SCR posts are here.


Hello all,
Thank you for the continued support and/or dialogue in this City Council race.

With the election less than a week away it's important to keep pushing forward. Many people still vote at the polling place on Nov. 8th and so it's critical to continue getting the word out until then. I believe a vote for myself and Mary Koberstein will help St. Helena get back on track.

I continue with my messages of strong fiscal oversight, quality of life and water security for our residents, supporting local business and our agricultural heritage, as well as a clean, safe environment.

Below are a few ways you can continue to help. Even if you don't vote in St. Helena your efforts will be important to the outcome.

1. Make sure to vote and continue encouraging others to vote, either by mail
or on Nov. 8 at the polling place at the upvalley campus of Napa Valley College
(off of Pope Street).

2. Call or email friends who vote in St. Helena and remind them of this important election.

3. Walking neighborhoods - I have extra pamphlets for anyone interested in helping canvass neighborhoods and speaking with residents about the issues. Please email me for more info if this is of interest.

4. Yard signs - I still have some available and can drop off for anyone wanting to display one.

5. Meet on Saturday, Nov. 5 at Lyman Park at 11 am. We can gather here and then split up to walk neighborhoods for a few hours.

6. A modest campaign donation can be made to help offset costs. Most people are donating between $25 and $100, I've set the maximum at $250. Donations can be sent to Geoff Ellsworth for City Council at PO Box 854 St. Helena, Ca. 94574

Please feel free to email a link to this post by clicking the "Share" link at the top of the post

Best, Geoff Ellsworth

Hello all,

As you may be aware, I've decided to run for City Council in St. Helena.

This is a challenging time for St. Helena and Napa County. We are facing serious issues regarding growth, water, quality of life and fiscal management.

For the past three years, I have attended as many St. Helena City Council and Planning Commission and Napa County meetings as possible. I wanted to fully grasp what is going on and as a result I believe I understand what is needed to move St. Helena forward to a strong and balanced future.

I am hoping to have your support in the upcoming election.

If elected my main focuses will be:

- Fiscal oversight - making sure measures are in place so we don't have a repeat of the financial missteps of recent years.

- Quality of life for residents and support for local businesses.

- Water security for our community - both availability and quality.

- Protection of the environment we all share.

- Interaction with the other municipalities in Napa Valley and with Napa County offices to work towards better communication and working relationships to meet all of our common goals.

- Truly listening to our community to further understand concerns.

The election is Tuesday Nov.8 and mail-in election ballots go out this coming Monday October 10th.

Often people don't return these until the last week or day and so it's very important to continue connecting with voters and bringing awareness over the next month.

These are some ways you can help:

- Walking neighborhoods door to door with campaign flyers
- Calling friends and contacts to discuss the upcoming local election
- Hosting a gathering at a home or public space
- A modest donation to defray campaign costs
- Putting up a yard sign
- Forwarding on this email

I am also available to meet with people separately to discuss concerns and can bring signs and brochures.

I will send a further email announcing upcoming speaking engagements and hope to hear from you as things go.

Please keep in touch about concerns you would like me to address. Let me know if you would like flyers and/or a yard sign.

Together we can make a change

Best, Geoff Ellsworth

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