Ciminelli vineyard conversion
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| Nov 30, 2015

We have another deforestation plan for Howell Mtn, 1260 Summit Lake in Angwin. No Cal Fire number given yet, but just the NOP for Ciminelli Estate Vineyard Conversion for approx 17 more acres.

The APN # is 018-230-002. Just to be sure, this is in addition to the Davis Friesen Lakes THP already in process. And to make matters worse, the $man behind this appears to be a suspected crook from Buffalo New York. These cumulative effects will never be taken into consideration without someone ( many people) screaming bloody murder. Maybe then, maybe never. I'm pretty discouraged after what's going on for Rector and of course, Milliken, Bell, and Hennesy.

Chris Malan adds:

Assuming the watershed is the Napa River, remember that the THP/TCP is the target CEQA doc. CEQA timelines are essential in stopping and/or mitigation of the environmental impacts. Northern Spotted Owl, NSO, is the target specie for significant cumulative impacts to habitat. If this is above a dam steelhead are harder to make a cumulative impact analysis on but it can be done and should be. I recommend you start early and bring in the best expert(s) and attorney on: sediment/water quality; hydrologic changes and species impacts-as these have held in prior court cases. This is your best approach for significant cumulative impacts per project in this watershed.

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